
Beauty ahead of Time - Global Mind set : Chapter Facing reality

 ©Keiko Kelly Mizuno SPACES,INC. 

Jack Welch, former Chairman and CEO of GE, once said that the most important rule in business is the "reality principle". This is the ability to see the world as it really is, rather than as you want it to be. It is the ability to be completely honest with yourself in any situation, regardless of how much you have invested in yourself to be right. If Jack Welch were to attend a problem-solving meeting, his first question would be "What is reality?" would be.


This question is also the one you should ask. What is reality? Let's examine each area of your business and personal life in detail and ask that question. "If I'd known before what I know now, is there anything I'd do now that I wouldn't do again?"


Sooner or later, reality will catch up with you. You can't avoid this. Times have changed, the situation you are in is no longer sustainable, it has passed. It's over. You have to move on. The only question is how long it will take you to accept reality and what high price you will pay.


Fortunately, when you have accepted and ended a situation that you would never have entered if you had known about it beforehand, you, like everyone else, will experience two reactions. First, you will feel a great sense of relief and even elation. You will feel happy. You will feel happy, because you will be relieved of stress and frustration, and the burden will be lifted from your shoulders. Next, you will ask yourself: "Why didn't I do this sooner? "Why didn't I do it sooner? Then you will ask yourself: "Why didn't I do it sooner?


Zero growth

One of my clients started a business and it was very successful. At some point, however, sales fell flat and the company could not grow any further. This lack of growth was very frustrating and unfortunate for my friend and the staff of the company. It seemed that no matter what they did, they could not catch up with or overtake their competitors.


They blamed the situation on a number of factors. For example, competition, the current economic situation, changes in technology, ineffective advertising, problems and defects in products and services, etc.


The turning point came when the managing director finally realized that his best friend, who had always been with the company since its inception, was the problem and the obstacle to its future success. He had made a valuable contribution when the company was still small and in the process of growing, but he did not know how to cope with the complexities of running a larger organization.


When my client replaced his friend (a decision that involved a great deal of stress and sacrifice), the company's impasse was resolved. Twelve months later, the company had doubled its sales and profits and continues to grow to this day.


The key is courage

It takes a great deal of courage to look at life and work from a distance, with honesty and objectivity. Often you have to admit that you have made a mistake and that, given the current situation, the decision you made earlier was wrong after all.


In his book "What They Don't Teach You at Harvard Business School", Mark McCormick, the billionaire founder of the world's largest sports marketing company, explains that in order to succeed in a rapidly changing and confusing marketplace, as a competent executive you must in his book "What They Don't Teach You at Harvard Business School", he says that to succeed in a rapidly changing and confusing marketplace, a competent executive must learn to use three statements early and constantly.


First, you have to learn to say "I was wrong". According to the American Society for Business Administration, 70% of business decisions turn out to be wrong in the fullness of time. Some of them are little mistakes, many mistakes, or outright failures. It may be. Whatever the mistake, be prepared to recognize it as soon as it is made and minimize the damage as much as possible.


The second thing to learn is to say "I made a mistake" early and often.


It is said that "every big problem is a small problem at first and could have been easily solved at that point. It's amazing how many problems that could have been solved early and quickly are overlooked until they become much bigger because someone has the strength to admit, "I made a mistake.


Developing mental flexibility

The third is to learn to say, "I will reconsider.


Many of us have grown up believing from our childhood experiences that having second thoughts or reversing a decision is a sign of weakness. But this is not the case. In times of rapid change, it is a sign of courage, character and ability to understand that circumstances have changed and that you must change your mind if you are to survive and move forward.


In many companies, I constantly remind my staff that it is okay to fail. One piece of information from the market can completely invalidate the best ideas you have implemented up to that point. You can have developed the perfect strategic plan on Friday and then have to throw it out and start again with new information on Monday.



1. ask yourself. "Am I seeing the situation as it is? Or do I see it the way I want to?" or do I see it the way I want to? Be completely honest with yourself. Sooner or later you will have to face up to reality.

2. make it easy to say the magic words. I'm wrong. I've made a mistake. I've had second thoughts.

3. write down a list of your weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Look at your notes on what you want to overcome and try to overcome just one of them.

After three weeks of action, the weakness has become a strength.

Continue reading Chapter 17: Don't leave disability as a 'problem'

 ☆We'd love to hear what you think.

©Kelly Mizuno SPACES,INC.


With gratitude and appreciation,
Keiko, Kelly MIZUNO
Have a wonderful rest of the day, everyone. Take care.


― 働くことって楽しい!











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