
Beauty ahead of Time _ Global Mind set


Sence is crucial to your success.

The average manager spends more than half of his or her life solving problems, alone or in collaboration with others.

They spend more than half of their time solving problems.

Your ability to tackle challenges and solve problems will determine everything that can happen in your career.

In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that a person who lacks Sence will lose his job to a person with good Sence.

It's no exaggeration to say that people who lack Sence will lose their jobs to people with good Sence.


Thankfully, sense is an ability that can be acquired and developed through training, just like a bicycle or a computer.

It is a skill that can be acquired and developed through training.

Furthermore, the number of new ideas you generate in your business seems to be directly related to your level of success.

A single Sence can be enough to change the direction of your career and your company as a whole.

The interests and future of yourself and your company depend on your global mind and your sense of style.


Remember that your present and your future are the result of how you use your Sence.

As you improve your Sence, you will improve the quality of your life.


This Sence contains practical methods and techniques to help you get started immediately in bringing out the many ideas that will enrich your life and work.

It contains practical methods and techniques to help you get started immediately. Each method, when applied, will give you better results than the last.

The results can be astonishing.

 Unfortunately, the vast majority of people do not "think for themselves" and have little or no practice.

They remain stuck in their comfortable status quo, stuck in what they have said and done in the past.

As the American thinker Emerson put it, "A foolish consistency is a monster of a narrow mind".

 They are missing out on one of the greatest opportunities for progress and success that anyone can have.


Now let's start looking at the world with new eyes.

                   Chapter 1: Sense is Beautiful when Polished

                               Continue to





『教え方:Human Skills Management学んでいただくものです。


<概 要>  

【日  時】  





【会  場】    都内会議場 または ZOOMによるオンライン参加

【対  象】   20224月入社の新入社員受け入れマネジャー・リーダー

【参    費】  参加費: 1名      29,900円

              2名以上の参加  16,600円

         特典: 3月18日(予定)に行われる新人マナー研修




【定      員】  会場30名 / オンライン22名(先着順)

【講 師】     水野敬子

 https://spacesinc.webnode.jp/  株式会社SPACES

海外ビジネス33年、グローバルリーティングカンパニーである外資系医薬品・化学品メーカーで戦略経営人事にて突出した成果を上げ社会に貢献する。難病母の介護と仕事の両立を図る為起業。約15年間たった一人で難病母の介護を実現の為、グローバルトップ企業のオンボーディングプログラムの構築と実習を通して「凡事徹底」を伝え世界に影響力のある次世代リーダーを約8万人以上創出。約20年産業能率大学でその実績を活かし”クリエイティブマインドやマネジメント”におけるグローバルマインドセット力を伝授する。現在は新しい社会における心理的安全性のある職場づくりへの支援としてハラスメント防止法改正におけるコンテンツ提供やグローバルに活躍する企業の人間力教育で美しい道を歩く為の”思いやり”凡事徹底Small Happiness運動を通して社会に貢献し続けているデザインコンサルタントとしてグローバルに活躍中です。


【研修内容】  1.ニューノーマル社会人・組織人の受けいれの心構え

          2.   ニューノーマル「グローバルビジネスマナー」の基本







【申し込み方法】 info@keishogrm.com メールにて

          参加氏名 企業名 参加日時




 【お問い合わせ先】株式会社SPACES 経営人事部:小笠原

           TEL: 090-5410-2561/03-3585-0305





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