
Beauty ahead of Time - Global Mind set : 19: Reborn

 ©Keiko Kelly Mizuno SPACES,INC. 

Any product or service that got you to where you are today is not good enough to get you further: 80% of the products and services that will be in use in five years' time do not yet exist today. This means that on average 20% of the products and services on the market today, including yours, will be obsolete in 12 months’ time and will need to be replaced by products and services that attract more customers.


The problem of obsolescence may seem daunting at first glance, but again, the right questions can stimulate creative solutions. Keep asking questions about the product or service to stimulate ideas on how to make it more marketable and profitable.


Here are some questions you can practice on a daily basis


1. can the product or service be used in other ways? Can they be used by other companies, industries or customers?


One of our rules is that if you have a good product or service and your customers don't buy it, you need to change your customers more than you need to change your product. Perhaps you are directing your marketing and sales efforts at the wrong target.


2. can you adopt, model or imitate what someone else is doing to make your product or service better? One of the smartest things you can do in business is to admire your successful competitors and look for ways to stay one step ahead of them.


You can look for ways to transfer innovation and technology from one industry to another. Henry Ford got the idea for his product line by observing a meat processing plant in operation.


Are there any examples of successful management around you that you could copy to make your business more effective and profitable?


3. can you modify, change or rework your current product to make it perform better or look like something else? Can you put a new twist on it? Walt and Roy Disney visited Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen in the late 1960s and found it to be perfect, without a single matchstick or piece of paper. Meanwhile, almost every amusement park in America, regardless of size, was dirty and cluttered with discarded trash and food, including herd events and rodeos. It was then that Walt Disney came up with the idea of Disneyland. He stated. I wanted to create an amusement park that was so clean and beautiful that parents from everywhere would come back again and again with their children. The rest, as history has proven, is history. 4.


4. can you enhance your product? Can you make your product bigger, stronger, brighter? Can you augment it in some way to make it more attractive?


Every year I take my whole family on a week-long Caribbean cruise on the Allure of the Seas. When it was founded, it was the largest cruise ship ever built, with a capacity of 5,000 people. There are completely different environments there, from subtropical to desert, and it also has many European and American boardwalk restaurants.


5. can you minimize your product? Can you make it smaller, shorter or more practical/economic in scale? Can you remove or subtract something to make it simpler? Can the product be subdivided into parts to be sold separately?


6. what about alternatives? Can we use different materials or processes, manufacturing or distribution methods, advertising or packaging?


7. can the parts of the product or service be reconfigured or replaced? What are some ways of doing so that would make the product or service more attractive, more saleable, less expensive or more desirable to customers?


8. can you change your mind and take the opposite approach to what you are currently doing? A reversal I took a long time ago was to raise prices instead of lowering them due to a significant stock clearance. By adding a high perceived value and a couple of extra premiums, I was able to sell the stock that had been left for a few months. 9.


9. can a product be combined with another product? Can it be combined with something else to offer more value?


By bringing together everything the customer wants in a particular product or service and offering it as a single product at a single price, you dramatically reduce the complexity and volatility of the purchase and at the same time increase the attractiveness of the product or service.


10. can you find value in by-products? there is a story about a manufacturer of ECG gel electrodes. These electrodes were three inch circles with a three quarter inch hole in the center and were discarded.


One day the manufacturer decided to box up the discarded product or "dots". They found a number of uses for them. They can be used to prevent doors and drawers from slamming, as a buffer to prevent walls from being damaged by pictures and photos, or to help identify passengers' luggage at airports. The manufacturer passed these dots on to willing customers at practically no cost to the company.


The idea is to see the world through the mind and eyes of the customer. What is it that customers are willing to pay for? How can we give our customers a better buying experience than our competitors? There is no end to the answers to these questions.



1. identify three ways in which you can improve your current product or service offering to make it more attractive to customers


2. call 10 of your best customers and ask them for their views and advice on what you can do to make your product or service more attractive and useful to them. You will probably be surprised at how many good ideas they will give you.


3. try just one more time before you choose to quit

Continue to Chapter Chapter 20: The Law of Value Engineering

 ☆We'd love to hear what you think.

©Kelly Mizuno SPACES,INC.


With gratitude and appreciation,
Keiko, Kelly MIZUNO
Have a wonderful rest of the day, everyone. Take care.


― 働くことって楽しい!











イントロダクション : リモートワークでも出来るシンプル健康脳体操

1.    あなたのマネジメントスタイルに氣づく


2.    改正職場マネジメント対策の実践


3.    改正パワハラ対策を遵守する組織のつくり方

 ・人間関係構築における最重要ポイント ・新しい人と時間の付き合い方

 ・相手が共感する傾聴法 ・フィードバックの重要性




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