
Beauty ahead of Time - Global Mind set : Chapter 10: Using the three consciousness’s for thinking

 ©Kelly Mizuno SPACES,INC.

Chapter 10: Using the three consciousness’s for thinking


Why attend Digital Strategies for Transforming Your Business?


In this period of digital disruption, businesses focused narrowly on value chains are at a disadvantage. Next-generation enterprises need to think more broadly about their business ecosystems, leverage digitization strategy to understand their customers better, and establish options for future success. Drawing on cutting-edge research, this chapter engages you in an action for seizing on all the above.


To thrive in a digitized universe, merely tweaking the management practices that led to past success will not be enough. Businesses of all sizes need to evaluate the strategic implications of digital disruption and create a future-proofed digital business model. Many enterprises will need to completely reinvent their organizations and substantially change their processes.


Despite this urgency, leaders often lack a common language to assess the degree of threat that digital disruption poses to their business and—more importantly—the language to create a compelling vision for their enterprise’s success.


We all have three "consciousness’s".


Together they think, solve problems, make decisions and achieve goals. The ability to understand the difference between this three consciousness’s and to maximize their potential to improve your life and business will enable you to transform and double your results.


manifest consciousness


When you are busy and active, you are using this solid and agile consciousness. It is objective, analytical, rational, critical and practical. It takes in information from many things, analyses it, compares it with other information stored, and decides. Your manifest consciousness is the place where new information comes into your brain, like the entrance to a door.


In his best-selling book "Fast and Slow", Daniel Kahneman explains that there are two ways to use your conscious mind at almost any time.


The first method, "Fast Thinking", is intuitive, automatic, instinctive and immediate. It is a style of thinking that resides in your subconscious mind and is used to direct the events that unfold in your daily life.


Fast thinking is very similar to driving. You react to changing events, move with your awareness and make quick decisions. You spend most of your time during the day in fast thinking. You use fast thinking in conversations, on the phone, in replying to emails and in responding to external demands. This is a normal and natural use of fast thinking and is appropriate in most cases.


Thinking on paper


When it is more appropriate to change from fast thinking to slow thinking, one of the best ways to do this is to ask questions and think on paper. Asking questions allows you to slow down and think better about what is in front of you. Putting it down on paper forces you to think it through, especially if you have compiled all the facts and details about the situation.


If you take more time to consider things in advance, you will always be able to make better decisions. When making an important decision, "buy as much time as you can" - delay the decision as long as possible, whether it's 24 hours, a week or even a month. Without exception, the more time you spend thinking about an important decision, the better the decision will be when it finally comes to implementation.


The subconscious mind


This is the part of your consciousness that is the driving force or storeroom of excellence. It captures and stores all your experiences, knowledge, decisions, ideas and thoughts. This memory can be accessed almost instantly. Your subconscious mind is able to record and recall all data. It can remember everything and incorporate existing information into a new style of problem solving.


Trust your intuition


The metaphysician Peter Ouspensky says that the subconscious mind works 8,000 times faster than the conscious mind. One example is our intuitive response when we meet someone new. Over the course of your life you will meet many different people and in an instant you will decide whether you like them or not. This perfect decision usually happens in less than four seconds. Later on, you will have good reasons for liking or disliking, trusting or not. But at the moment of the encounter, it is as if the subconscious mind has taken a snapshot of the person's face, transferred it to its subconscious storeroom and immediately compared it with other faces it has encountered in the past, creating an instantaneous positive or negative feeling.


The main purpose of the subconscious mind is to make your words and actions conform to patterns that are consistent with your self-concept and basic ideas. The subconscious mind controls your body language, tone of voice, level of confidence and ability in any situation.


Fill your mind with positive thoughts


When you fill your manifest mind with a steady stream of positive ideas, messages and schemes, this information is transmitted directly to your subconscious mind, which immediately begins to influence the way you think and feel about yourself.


Earlier, I said, "I'm a genius!" and how important it is for you to repeat it over and over again. In the beginning, you may feel a little uncomfortable saying this or any other positive phrase to yourself. But as you repeat them over and over again, you will overcome the resistance in your subconscious mind to this new self-concept. Eventually, the subconscious accepts the new command as the new reality. It then works to ensure that what you say, think and feel is in line with the new patterns you have built into your subconscious.


Fill your mind with positive thoughts


When you fill your manifest mind with a steady stream of positive ideas, messages and schemes, this information is transmitted directly to your subconscious mind, which immediately begins to influence the way you think and feel about yourself.


Earlier, I said, "I'm a genius!" and how important it is for you to repeat it over and over again. In the beginning, you may feel a little uncomfortable saying this or any other positive phrase to yourself. But as you repeat them over and over again, you will overcome the resistance in your subconscious mind to this new self-concept. Eventually, the subconscious accepts the new command as the new reality. It then works to ensure that what you say, think and feel is in line with the new patterns you have built into your subconscious.


Super Consciousness


This is the most powerful consciousness. Most of the greatest achievements in human history have been achieved through superconscious ideas and inspiration. Making good use of the superconscious on a daily basis is the key to unlocking our creative talents in all areas of life.

The superconscious is often referred to as the collective unconscious. It is also referred to as the universal subconscious or infinite intelligence. Carl Jung called it the "superconscious" and described it as the source of all originality and creativity in all humanity.


The superconscious is the starting point for all creative breakthroughs, insight, intuition, inspiration and imagination. It works on an unconscious level to solve problems, remove obstacles and move you towards your goals.


When you write down the goals you want to achieve and the problems you want to solve, this information is naturally transmitted to your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind then transfers this information to the supercomputer of your superconscious mind, which works 24 hours a day to achieve your goals and solve your problems until you get the answers you need.


Merging the three consciousness’s


Let's remember that you are a potential genius. Your brain has 100 billion cells, each of which combines with 20,000 other cells to give you more thinking capacity than any supercomputer could ever build.


This consciousness can be used for good or bad. By using the manifest mind, you develop absolute clarity about what you want, and by visualizing and writing down your goals, they are sent to the subconscious mind. You will have access to a higher level of thinking. When you confidently and calmly expect and believe that the superconscious is working 24 hours a day to bring you what you want at the right time, the superconscious is activated and you are in full control of your consciousness.


By using this three different consciousness’s in harmony, you can unleash the talents that lie within you.




1. take the time to think carefully and create absolute clarity about what you want and what it will be like when you achieve your goals. Write down what you really want so clearly that even a child could understand it. 2.




2. repeat positive words over and over again. Use the phrase that resonates most with you, "I am a genius" being just one example. Write down the words that make you most happy. Write them down so you don't forget them. 3.




3. think back to when you were a child and write down as many as you can of the 22 things you are excited about and how your desires are coming true.

   When you have written them down, leave a little space under each one. Write down why you want it to happen. By doing so, your desire will reach super-deep into your mind and dramatically change the way you behave, the way you influence others. Write it down. Write about your desires in an innocent way.







Continue with Chapter 11: Two approaches to thinking

☆Please tell us what you think. The first 11 people to give us their feedback will receive a free copy of Safety Awareness Management. 


©Kelly Mizuno SPACES,INC.


With gratitude and appreciation,
Keiko, Kelly MIZUNO
Have a wonderful rest of the day, everyone. Take care.



― ハラスメントは許さない!












イントロダクション : 

1.    改正パワハラ防止法の定義




2.    改正パワハラ対策の実践




3.    改正パワハラ対策を遵守する組織のつくり方

 ・人間関係構築における最重要ポイント ・新しい人と時間の付き合い方

 ・相手が共感する傾聴法 ・フィードバックの重要性



費用:33,000(税込)  所要時間:ワーク及び質疑応答を含め3.5時間



開催:オンライン Zoom   開催日:217日、2月18日、2月19


定員:11名    お振込みが完了後、ZoomURLをお送り差し上げます。


講師:水野敬子  株式会社SPACES 代表

お申込み方法:メール info@keishgrm.com




お問い合わせ:090-5410-2561 または info@keishogrm.com まで


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