
Beauty ahead of Time - Global Mind set : Chapter 14 Rethinking systematic problem solving

Chapter 14: Rethinking systematic problem solving

There are certain qualities that have been found in highly intelligent people throughout the ages. One of these is that they approach each problem in a systematic and logical way.


This powerful method aims to keep emotions out of the problem-solving process as much as possible. It tries to give the problem solver a more objective point of view and to work in stages.


There are nine stages to this systematic problem-solving method.


Assume a logical solution


The first step is to always assume a logical solution to any problem, difficulty or goal. Your initial attitude towards a problem will determine whether your creativity is released or locked up. Approach every problem or difficulty as if it were waiting for a logical, practical solution to be found.


One of your goals as a creative thinker is to remain as calm and unemotional as possible in the process.


Use positive language


The second step, as mentioned earlier, is to use positive language to describe the problem or difficulty. Instead of calling the event a problem, we need to use the word situation. "Problem" evokes a negative state and activates the emotional part of the brain, whereas "situation" is neutral and allows you to tackle the difficulty in a calm and objective way.


It is even better to use the word "challenge" instead of "problem". A "challenge" is when you stand up to bring out the best in yourself, while a "problem" is an obstacle or negative situation that causes stress and frustration. A "problem" is an obstacle or negative situation that causes stress or frustration.


The best word for this is opportunity. If you start to see the situation you are facing as a "challenge" or an "opportunity", you will start to see possibilities that have been blocked or obscured.


Define it clearly


The third step is to clearly define the situation, whatever it is. What is the situation in the first place? An accurate analysis is half the solution. If you are discussing a difficult situation in a group, use a whiteboard or flip chart to clearly define the situation so that everyone can agree.


Once a problem is clearly defined, especially if it is defined as a challenge or an opportunity, it can often be resolved quickly once everyone understands.

Analyze the situation


The fourth step is to ask: "What are all the possible causes? The fourth step is to ask: "What are all the possible causes? In the same way that a doctor carries out a series of tests to determine the cause of an illness, managers are tasked with finding out what caused the problem in the first place.


In many cases, the causative factor is a singular event that has occurred only once and did not require any structural change in the operation or management. In some cases, the problem is so structural that a complete change in the way the company is run is required.


Expanding the possibilities


The fifth step is to ask: "What is every solution?" is to ask. There is a direct cause-and-effect relationship between the number of possible solutions you can find for a problem situation and the quality of the solution you end up deciding on.


Your task in the systematic research part of the problem-solving process is to find the greatest possible number of solutions before proceeding to the decision-making stage. This includes the option of doing nothing.


Making a decision


The sixth step is to make a decision. In most cases, if you follow the methods of step five calmly and logically, the ideal decision will also emerge logically. It is like cream floating on the surface of milk.


In most cases, any decision is usually better than no decision at all. If you can't make a decision because you need more information, then set a deadline for making a final decision. Don't leave a problematic situation unresolved.


Appoint a responsible person


The seventh step is to appoint clear responsibilities. Who will do what and by when? In particular, setting out the criteria for resolution will make it clear to everyone whether a resolution has been reached or not.


Set a deadline and act on it


The eighth step is to set a deadline. Decisions made without a deadline will just go round in circles. Get everyone to agree on a time frame for the resolution and a time frame for making progress towards the resolution.


The ninth step is to take immediate action. Act on the solution immediately. In the final analysis, action is everything. If you act more quickly, you will get faster and more constructive feedback that will allow you to change course and act more effectively.


The whole purpose of this problem-solving process is to prepare you and those around you to take positive and constructive action towards achieving the desired result. If no action is taken, the whole exercise of creative thinking becomes a mere intellectual pastime.


A good solution not only has a plan of action, but also incorporates a plan for monitoring, control and verification, so that the solution can be judged to be effective.


What top managers do

In my work with over 1,000 of the world's largest companies, I have had the opportunity to sit down with high level managers and see the situations in which they have had to tackle major problems and crises in their companies.


I have noticed that, without exception, top leaders are perfectly calm when they tackle problems that people around them are upset and angry about.


When you have to tackle a major failure or problem, you need to keep your mind calm, clear your head and be objective. Practice the methods described in this chapter until they become second nature to you. You will be pleasantly surprised by the quality of the solutions you come up with and the excellence of your decisions.



1. what is the biggest work problem or challenge you are currently working on? Clearly define and write it down.


2. make a list of 7 things you can do (or not do) to solve the problem or eliminate the obstacle.

Continue with Chapter 15:  Chapter 15: Zero-based thinking in practice

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©Kelly Mizuno SPACES,INC.


With gratitude and appreciation,
Keiko, Kelly MIZUNO
Have a wonderful rest of the day, everyone. Take care.


― 働くことって楽しい!











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1.    あなたのマネジメントスタイルに氣づく


2.    改正職場マネジメント対策の実践


3.    改正パワハラ対策を遵守する組織のつくり方

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 ・相手が共感する傾聴法 ・フィードバックの重要性




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