
Beauty ahead of Time - Global Mind set : Chapter 15 Zero-based thinking in practice

©Keiko Kelly Mizuno SPACES,INC. 

Chapter 15  Zero-based thinking in practice

Zero-based thinking is a creative thinking technique that helps to find solutions by approaching a problem from a completely different perspective. It requires us to regularly test all of our earlier decisions. This is especially true when there is new information or experience that contradicts or conflicts with the thinking that led to the initial decision.


Zero-based thinking is derived from the financial concept of zero-based budgeting. Instead of looking at individual increases or decreases in expenditure in the next financial year, zero-based budgeting asks: "If we hadn't already spent money in this area, and we knew the current situation in advance, would we enter this area?" I would ask.



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Conducting a KWINK (Knowing What I Now Know) analysis

The question is called a KWINK analysis. The question is called KWINK analysis: "If I knew in advance what I was doing now and had to start all over again, would I do it in the first place? Is there anything you wouldn't do?"


Clarify all your past thinking with this question and be prepared to face the decisions you have made.


If your answer to KWINK is "No, if I knew this I would never enter this situation again", then the next question is "How do I get out of it? How quickly?" The next question is: "How do I get out?


I have found that if the answer to KWINK is "no", it is usually not possible to save the situation in time. The only question is how long you are willing to wait and how much you are willing to sacrifice before you finally endure the difficulties and stop doing what you are doing.



Where is Your Heart Leading You? — You were born with unique, undeniable gifts. In your quietest moments, you can feel them yearning to awaken.  You long to express them and show the world what you’re truly capable of.



Three Areas of Zero-Based Thinking

There are three main areas where Zero-Based Thinking can be applied throughout your life and career. The first is relationships. Are there people in your current personal or professional life with whom you would not want to have anything to do if you had to start all over again?


If you knew about them, who would not hire them? Who would not promote them? Who would not entrust you with responsibilities?


Eighty-five percent of the unhappiness, stress and frustration in your personal and professional life comes from associating or working with people you would never have engaged if you had known about them in advance.


The second area to apply zero-based thinking relates to your work. If you knew in advance what you were doing and had to work on it from the outset, what would you be doing now that you wouldn't start doing?



Is there a product or service you offer that you would not market?


Is there a marketing, sales or development approach you would not adopt?


Are there any processes, means or methods that we do not use in running our business?



The third area to adopt zero-based thinking relates to investments of money, time and emotion. People hate to lose money for any reason. However, many of the most carefully considered decisions about financial investment, both in business and in personal life, will turn out to have been wrong to varying degrees. Ask yourself: "If only I had known this in advance? "Would I invest in this product or service again if I knew in advance?"


If your answer is "no", then ask yourself: "How can I get out of this situation? If your answer is no, then the next question is: "How can I get out of this situation? is the next question.


You have to be willing to stop your losses. Dare to admit that you made a mistake, that you were wrong, and that it was not a good investment based on the current information. Stop wasting money by not admitting that you were wrong.


People hate losing time as much as they hate losing money. You may have invested a lot of time in the development of a new product or project, in learning a new thing or skill, in a special course of study. Now, knowing what you know now, you realize that it was not a good idea. You have wasted your time. There is no turning back the clock. Your solution is to stop spending time on situations and areas where it is clear that the investment has been lost.


Finally, it is also common for us to invest a great deal of emotional energy. This is especially true in our relationships (both professional and personal) and in the course of our actions (in the direction of learning and career). Nevertheless, if we make a mistake, or if it becomes clear that all our emotional investment is not working, we must be prepared to end it and move on from it.


In order to think creatively and find the best new ideas for the future, you need to remove the mental obstacles that are keeping you from creative thinking. Zero-based thinking is one of the best tools you can use to keep your mind flexible and open and to become a competitive creative thinker in any area of your life.



1. identify the relationships in your personal and professional life that you would never engage in again if you had to return to them in the first place, and decide to end them as soon as possible

2. identify an action in your personal or professional life that you would not undertake if you had to do it over again, and decide to walk away from it immediately.

Continue reading Chapter 16: Facing reality

☆We'd love to hear what you think.

©Kelly Mizuno SPACES,INC.


With gratitude and appreciation,
Keiko, Kelly MIZUNO
Have a wonderful rest of the day, everyone. Take care.


― 働くことって楽しい!











イントロダクション : リモートワークでも出来るシンプル健康脳体操

1.    あなたのマネジメントスタイルに氣づく


2.    改正職場マネジメント対策の実践


3.    改正パワハラ対策を遵守する組織のつくり方

 ・人間関係構築における最重要ポイント ・新しい人と時間の付き合い方

 ・相手が共感する傾聴法 ・フィードバックの重要性




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講師:水野敬子  株式会社SPACES 代表

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