
Love is All. what can you do to support your team right now?


GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES 11 全球美徳倫 “こころで人を動かす”考働:一日一語 

Matters of health, November 30(Wednesday) 令和41130(水曜日)

As we strive for sustainable, inclusive growth. 感性(5感)に働きかける人を動かす考働365 


Thank you for your time for reading.



#wisdom _ 今日の言葉


Like a glass ball, a person’s mind becomes sharp and sharp when it is frustrated and collapsed.

The feelings that are born when you are frustrated and broken bring you a unique perspective that is sharp and sharp.  So challenge yourself, hit the wall and crack loudly!  That experience will become a weapon that will cut through the future.








#what‘s up!  _ Small Actions Make Great Leaders


効果的な育成関係を築くには キャリアを通じて指導的な立場になると、後輩の指導やスポンサーになることがあります。ここでは、積極的な育成関係を築くための3つの方法をご紹介します。


* 互恵的で相互的な関係を構築する。


* オープンで誠実な関係を築く より強い関係を築くには、自分も相手も自分の考え、視点、感情を率直に共有し、相手の考えも受け入れることが必要です。

* 互いの経験を認め合う。お互いに相手の話を聞き、理解し、支持されていると感じれば、有能感、自信、自己価値の高まりを実感することができます。このような新しい感覚は、ふたりを刺激し、交流から学ぶだけでなく、学んだ教訓に基づいて行動するようになるはずです。


What Makes an Effective Developmental Relationship. As you move into leadership positions throughout your career, you might find yourself mentoring or sponsoring junior employees. Here are three ways to ensure a positive developmental relationship.


* Establish a reciprocal and mutual dynamic. While you help the employee advance in their careers, you too should feel revitalized by learning new skills and gaining an understanding of a younger generation with ambitions, priorities, and challenges different from your own.

* Encourage openness and authenticity. To develop a stronger relationship both you and your counterpart should share your thoughts, perspectives, and feelings candidly, while being open to those of the other person.

* Validate each other’s experiences. When you both feel heard, understood, and endorsed by each other, you’ll both experience a growing sense of competence, confidence, and self-worth. These new feelings should inspire you both to not only learn from your interactions, but also to act on the lessons you learn.










Help Your Team Through Tough Times. As disturbing world events continue to unfold, it’s understandable that your team’s minds are elsewhere. As a manager, what can you do to support your team right now? How do you balance the need for compassion with the need to still get work done? To start, take some time to understand your own emotions. You’ll be better able to support your team and model resiliency if you acknowledge and manage any stress and anxiety you’re feeling yourself. Then, have a conversation with your team to acknowledge what's happening. Pretending that everything is fine, or just trying to go about work as if nothing is going on, can cause people to disengage or to feel resentful. At the same time, try to avoid brooding, where you or your team members get stuck in a spiral of negative thinking. Focus on action instead. You can do this by asking, “What would be most helpful at the moment? Let’s think about it together.” Finally, encourage self-compassion, and model self-care. Acknowledge that stress is a normal, physiological response to feeling out of control or threatened — and share any strategies that are currently working for you.



Thanks for reading and listening—and best wishes,
Keiko Mizuno 




『The Global NLP 』のご紹介です。 お申込みは、こちらから。


Thank you for your support and I hope you‘ll good it! 

May you have any wonderful time in your life. 
 Try lots of new things. 新しい経験をたくさんしよう。


Copyright Keiko Mizuno SPACES,INC (webnode.jp) info@keishogrm.com Use English in your daily life 英語を身近に使いましょうThank you for reading today.お読みいただいてありがとうございます。Behave smart and beautiful!! Moving forward with you.より美的健康を創造しよう、ご一緒に This email contains information about Scientific evidence, SPACES’s research, insights, services, or events. このメールには、科学的 に証明されたエビデンス、スぺシーズのリサーチ、インサイト、サービス、イベントなどに関する情報が含まれています。



Inclusive Leadership Development イノベーションデザイナーを目指そう!






Inclusive Leadershipのご紹介です。


 ※念のため、テキストも添付いたします。  ↑ クリックすると見れます。








Why does consciousness work?

Beauty ahead of Time - Global Mind set : The Global NLP(c)

Chapter 1  : Why does consciousness work?

Your consciousness is an amazing thing, an amazing processor that takes in and processes information through all of your senses. Each of us has a dominant style of thinking, a unique way of processing, taking in and using information in the best way possible.

There are three basic types of information processing used in creative thinking


Visual people think in terms of diagrams, pictures, written words, images, tables and graphs. They only understand a problem or information when they "see" it with their eyes.


Some people need to hear ideas, arguments, sounds and music. They say, "That sounds good" or "That doesn't sound right".


A kinesthetic person responds to their feelings, emotions, actions and textures. They need to have a "feel" for a problem or situation. They take objects in their hands, hold them, turn them over in their palms and try to feel them. They prefer to move around rather than sit still during a conversation. They say: "That's nice. That's a nice feeling.

Trying it all

When trying to solve a problem, you should try all methods. It is especially good to work with people who may have different processing styles. Try writing things down. Discuss and debate about it. Get up and walk around. Encourage others to do the same.

Looking at images, diagrams and writing graphs and charts is a great way for visual thinkers to gain insight and a deeper understanding of a problem or situation.

For those who are auditory, encouraging discussion, saying things out loud and interacting with others about a problem or situation can be helpful.

To activate the motor senses, we should write things down, speak out loud, walk around and move around. Sometimes going for a walk in the park or just getting up and taking a break is a great way for kinesthetic thinkers to get a breakthrough in problem solving.

Lessons learned from effective seminars and workshops

When I first started giving seminars, I gave talks without thinking, writing things on flips or whiteboards and encouraging students to take notes. Then I would ask them to discuss what these new ideas meant to them. Without consciously realizing it, I was first activating the visual, auditory and kinesthetic processing states of the participants.

The participants were constantly amazed at how agile and highly energetic they were even after eight hours of this type of seminar or workshop. Their whole brain was fully active throughout the day.

Identify your own distinctive style

Each of us uses visual, auditory and kinesthetic thinking, but everyone has a salient or preferred way of thinking. Make sure you try all three. This is especially true if you are working in a group on a problem or decision. Let's assume that you need to appeal to that group of people in a different way. If you tell them the number of pages and they don't look at it, it's because they are auditory or kinesthetic thinkers, not visual ones.

Provide information in the way they prefer

Peter Drucker points out that one of the most important things you can do is to find a way of processing information that your boss prefers. If your boss is a visual thinker, write everything down in a report so you can visually compare and discuss each item. If he is an auditory person, he will absorb the information better if you explain the situation verbally. If he is a kinesthetic person, he will prefer to touch and feel what you are proposing. He will get up and actually move around while you are speaking.

If you presented your report to an auditory boss, he would probably say: "What's the conclusion? "What's the conclusion? What are you trying to say? And if you were to present the information to your visual boss in words, he would probably say: "Will you write it down? And if you give information in words to a visual boss, he will probably ask you to write it down.

If you are working with your people on problem solving and decision making, the more of these processing styles you adopt, the better and more insightful ideas and solutions you will come up with.


1. identify your personal preference or dominant style for learning and incorporating information

2. identify the dominant styles of your managers and key subordinates. Ask them directly how they would like to receive the information and provide it in that way.

Continue with Chapter 2: Rethinking systematic problem solving

☆Please tell us what you think. The first 11 people to give us their feedback will receive a free copy of Safety Awareness Management. 


― 愛こそ全て!

2000年11月COVID 19がこれまでの社会を180度変えた。リモートワークがニューノーマルの新たな就労様式のひとつとなるなか、大事なことは、なぜ?働く意識を同じにしなければならないのか。新型コロナ収束が見えない中でのハイブリッド型を目指しての新たなリーダーシップスタイルを各社、各組織、そして各人が個人の能力をレベルアップしながら、健康的なマネジメントスキルを日々の中で模索しながら無意識に私たちはマインドセットしています。12月はパワハラ撲滅月間です。新しい人財との対話、新しいチームとのやり取りが新たに始まります。併せて、世界中が本氣モードで地球環境と働く・学ぶことの平等を広げようとしています。日本の働く環境での最重要課題としているのが「パワハラ」です。











イントロダクション : リモートワークでも出来るシンプル健康脳体操

1.    あなたのマネジメントスタイルに氣づく


2.    改正職場マネジメント対策の実践


3.    改正パワハラ対策を遵守する組織のつくり方

 ・人間関係構築における最重要ポイント ・新しい人と時間の付き合い方

 ・相手が共感する傾聴法 ・フィードバックの重要性




費用:5,500(税込)  所要時間:90分

開催:オンライン Zoom   

開催日:毎月1の数字の日実施 12月1日、12月11日、12月21日

時間:12/1   10:00-11:30,  12/11  10:00-11:30, 12/21  19:00-20:30 



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講師:水野敬子  株式会社SPACES 代表

お申込み方法:メール info@keishgrm.com




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#keikomizuno #水野敬子 #パワハラ#モチベーション#motivation #Keikomizuno

#ledership #management #global #globalmindset #ceo #keikomizuno #spacesinc #training #creativemind #sence #keikomizuno #management #Humanskill #humanskill #management skill #人間力 #mindset #diversity #DE&I #communication #NLP #globalnlp #nlp #keishogrm #spaces #敬子水野 #MIT #MIT Japan program #global mindset #human sill #Newyorkkeiko #camelkeiko #careerpass #careermanagement #recurit #DX #motivation #empowerment #mindfull #goalsetting #setup #onboarding #newnowmal #Humanskill #リモートワーク #mizuno keiko #ginza #ginzahistory #nlp #globalmindset #思いやり #selfcompassion #power #mindset #listening #teambuilding #respect #insight #newyork #creative #creativemind #teammanagement #curiosity #好奇心 #3月生まれ#loveisall #love#motivation #diet #heart #mindset #gnlp #inclusive 

GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES 11 全球美徳倫 “こころで人を動かす”考働:一日一語 


Matters of health, November 28(Monday令和41128(月曜日)

As we strive for sustainable, inclusive growth. 感性(5感)に働きかける人を動かす考働365 


Thank you for your time for reading.



#wisdom _ 今日の言葉






Busyness is the best teacher on how to use time.

When you push yourself to the limit of busyness, you’ll see what’s really important.

Only when you are so busy that you can’t do anything else, you can learn how to spend your time on the thing s that really matter.

Only then can you learn how to use your time for what really matters.












3things リーダー


1. 自分自身と向き合う

2. それについて話す

3. ロールモデルとなり、セルフケアを促進する







可以做的事 解决职业倦怠。

1. 1.自我检查

2. 谈论

3. 立榜,促自我保健


We need to be attentive to burnout, If you recognizethe symptoms earlier, you need to take intentional effort to heal.


While life may be messy right now, we are likely headed towards something more sustainable and kind.


3things leaders

Can Do To address burnout:

1. Check in with themselves

2. Talk about it

3. Role model and promote self care



#what‘s up!  _ Small Actions Make Great Leaders







Become a Great Remote Mentor. Remote work is here to stay. And with this shift comes the need for managers and leaders to practice virtual mentorship. Building an effective relationship with a mentee when you’re not in the same location takes extra care. Here’s how. First, focus on trust. Of course, trust is foundational to any developmental relationship and requires even greater intentionality in virtual mediums. Talk about how to make the virtual relationship a safe space for both of you, including agreeing on confidentiality in terms of what will and will not be recorded or shared, and deliver on any promises you make. Your mentee can’t drop by your office to remind you about an introduction you’d offered to make, so earn their trust by following through without being prompted. Also, clarify boundaries and the rules of engagement. In addition to deciding the frequency of communication (which may be different than if you were meeting in person), discuss your preferred mediums for communication. You might opt for a mix of synchronous options such as video-based platforms, internal mentoring systems, and phone calls, as well as asynchronous ones, such as email, messaging, and social media platforms such as LinkedIn. Finally, when possible, collaborate with your mentee. Opportunities to work together on projects won’t be as apparent in the remote environment so seek them out. This will give you a chance to coach your mentee and see their strengths and weaknesses in practice.











Make Better Decisions, Even Under Pressure. Learning to make good decisions, without hesitation and procrastination, is a skill that can set you apart from your peers. How can you stop vacillating on tricky choices, especially under pressure? Here are the steps to take when faced with making a tough call. Start by considering many different viewpoints. This doesn’t mean you should seek out everyone’s opinion. Instead, identify the right people with the relevant expertise and give them a chance to clearly articulate their views. Often, these will be colleagues who are closest to the action and implications of the decision in question. Make sure you’re focused on addressing the root cause of a problem — not just the symptoms. If your decision doesn’t get to the heart of the matter, the problem is likely to repeat itself. Also, incorporate a consideration of both the short-term and long-term risks into your decision-making process. It’s tempting to make a call based on what’s going to get you immediate results, but that rarely unlocks the most value.



Thanks for reading and listening—and best wishes,
Keiko Mizuno 


Thank you for your support and I hope you‘ll good it! 

May you have any wonderful time in your life. 
 Try lots of new things. 新しい経験をたくさんしよう。


Copyright Keiko Mizuno SPACES,INC (webnode.jp) info@keishogrm.com Use English in your daily life 英語を身近に使いましょうThank you for reading today.お読みいただいてありがとうございます。Behave smart and beautiful!! Moving forward with you.より美的健康を創造しよう、ご一緒に This email contains information about Scientific evidence, SPACES’s research, insights, services, or events. このメールには、科学的 に証明されたエビデンス、スぺシーズのリサーチ、インサイト、サービス、イベントなどに関する情報が含まれています。