
#Medicaldetox 影響力の源泉 Power of Communication

Since people have both strong and weak points, finding a job that allows them to apply their unique talents produces greater results than just finding a good job.
We should all avoid sacrificing what makes us special for the sake of a socially or economically high-status job.
Everyone has their own unique talent, and if you can find yours, it's sure to change your life.
Every day, we take a new step forward.




#Medicaldetox We must communicate with each other before taking actions.

My ultimate goal is to see smile in every face.


Above anything else, I am blessed with good fortune.
I don’t know myself why I am so fortunate.

Curiosity motivates you to seek experience with new things

I am full of curiosity and accept everything openly. This attitude toward life has enabled me to cope successfully with just about anything so far.



#Medicaldetox   What are you doing? What's NEXT?

To fill the gap between your dream and reality

Be the one who steadily strives towards a realistic goal step by step, 
instead of escaping into unrealistic dreams.

You cannot have a dream unless you move forward.

We live now is the miracle by itself.
It is high time that we notice our life is a miracle by itself.


#Medicaldetox  So what ARE you thinking? あなたも、ご機嫌な毎日を過ごそう! 

Here's to your self-confident success,


#medicaldetox The value of your life increases as you overcome hardships

[Selection for selecting the Top of Tops who will lead in the future]

*Text excerpts from the Nihon Keizai Shimbun digital edition with some additions.


Only daredevil challengers could survive…

It's a story of the past now. Let’s change. Managing change is in the essence of management.


Practice the courage to believe in your subordinates, empower them and allow them to learn from their mistakes - Colin Brooks

He names Alex Ferguson who is the manager of the Manchester United FC of the English Premier League as the leader he admires, and he pays him a compliment by saying, “He is superb in developing the strength of each individual player. He understands the essence of forming a team and he undertakes the role of holding each individual player accountable for achieving and exceeding the team's performance”.


<The value of your life increases as you overcome hardships>


Probably, due to his business experience in a few countries, Mr. Brooks chooses words very carefully when he talks about employees in Japanese companies and Japanese customers. Perhaps, this is because he is fully aware that a careless remark uttered by a high-rank officer has an important adverse effect on business. However, deliberately, I asked him about what he thinks about the characteristics of the Japanese market.


"It takes a very long time before a decision is reached by Japanese companies and, in the meantime, many meetings are held. It looks as if many companies are unwilling to become the first company to adopt the latest technology and prefer to take the attitude of see and wait until test results of other companies and the effect thereof have been verified. I do not say this is good or bad, but rather I say that this fact should be taken into consideration by Western companies as well”.


Mr. Brooks asserts, however, "It is not a question of better or worse". This is because there are actually many cases as with Japanese companies in which a decision taken after a careful decision making process ensures a smooth running of business operation subsequently.


"It is true that there is a tendency at the root of corporate culture in Europe and the United States to encourage such challenges as being innovative and having a different lifestyle from others. This does not allow us, however, to impose our culture on the Japanese market. A number of Western companies have failed in the Japanese market and a large part of their failure can be attributed to their obstinacy to their values. It is necessary for us to make efforts to understand the "difference" of each culture and bring them closer to each other - I think it is most important to achieve universal solutions in order for us to work as a global company.


However, there is no doubt that it is considerably difficult to direct business as a leader in a country with a different culture and background. When I asked Mr. Brooks to the effect, he replied by saying


“A good manager is someone who knows how to make the most of his team. A good leader is someone who can lead by making a decision and moving forward. It so happens that a decision is reached late because many people try to find a solution to satisfy all people. Unfortunately, a decision taken after a long time cannot satisfy anybody. A good leader judges the situation and takes a firm action. In addition, a good leader is someone capable of recognizing a wrong decision and renewing a decision”.


There are some reports that the economy is picking up. However, IT investment by Japanese companies remains sluggish. It is difficult for Mr. Brooks who has to steer his business under difficult conditions to manage the required targets of the corporate under today's economic climate. However, he said he's looking forward to 2020 because of the recent upward trend of economy. What plays the important role here is still “Universal Solutions”. – This is possibly the keyword to bear in mind for the foreign leader who has been playing a key role in a foreign country. 


One of the most difficult things about developing a team is to facilitate the acknowledgment that "the decision was wrong”. I would like to provide opportunities to have experiences and learn lessons from them for the future by being tolerant of mistakes (Mr. Brooks).


 A global working environment is a jungle or a battlefield.

 Watson Wyatt K.K.(現:Towers Watsoncertificate KEIKO mizuno

#Medicaldetox 【Medical Detox】苦難を乗り越えた分だけあなたの人生の価値は上がっていく。

【未来を課せられたTop of Topを選ぶ選定】






部下を信じ、任せ、失敗から学ばせる勇気を - コリン・ブルックス氏










「革新的であること、人と違った生き方をすること、欧米の企業文化の根底にはそういったチャレンジを奨励する向きがたしかにある。だからといって、それを日本市場にそのまま押しつけるのは良くない。日本市場の進出に失敗した企業は数多くあるが、彼らは自分たちの価値観に固執した部分が大きい。それぞれの"違い"を理解する努力を怠らず、互いに文化を寄せ合うこと - ユニバーサルソリューションの実現こそが、グローバル企業で働く上でもっとも重要だと思う




景気が上向きつつある、という報道も一部あるが、日本企業のIT投資はまだ冷え込んだままだ。きびしい条件下でビジネスの舵取りを行わざるを得ないブルックス氏だが、今日のこの経済状況で組織の目標要求を管理するのは難しい。しかし最近は少し上向きの傾向にあるので、2010年を楽しみにしていると言った。そのベースになるのはやはり"ユニバーサルソリューション" - 異国の地でプレーする外国人リーダーにとって、つねに自分自身に言い聞かせておくべきキーワードなのかもしれない。。





Watson Wyatt K.K.(現:Towers Watsoncertificate保持者 水野敬子



#Medicaldetox Wish Upon a Star. - Twinkle



Wish upon a star twinke☆彡





#medicaldetox #keishogrm Listen Carefully. 【if you ask me_I count calories.】 

Medical detox is the GOAT#GOAT.

Plum tree and Japanese wooden hand fan

: Hidden nobleness

May I have the strength to see people with an objective mind free of all preconceptions and remain calm and dignified!


The essence of listening in order to have insight into other people.


Third-rate people do not listen to others.

Second-rate people listen to others!

First-rate people, do not only listen to others, but also put into practice what they value.

Top people listen to others for their inspirations.

I was depressed about my breakup but I have rebounded.

This is my inspirations_A femal president wouldn't have caused all these problems.#IMHO



#medicaldetox ☆Super Mind : Attitude and Preparedness of Executives

[You should have courage, determination and responsibility to demonstrate kindness and love towards others.]


It's harder for you to decline a request than to accept it unwillingly.


You should learn how to decline a request politely y professionally in order to prioritize your own time and the time to spend with your loved ones.


If you give your word without much thought for fear of making a bad impression on others, you may give them the impression that you have nothing to do and make a bad impression sometimes. Should you wish to become a valued person, you need to have the courage to say no. 

I try to make as much time as possible to continue talking to you before anything else because I highly value you as a person.



Now that I am alive and there are people who fall victims, I am determined to use all means to convey the message across even if I fall from grace. (Because I believe in your power to achieve results.)


Life is a continuous struggle.


Above average performance isn't enough. You must achieve excellence in order to attain your freedom without struggle.


Therefore, I have achieved excellence in my life.

Let’s take on challenges!

Be good, true and beautiful ... independent and autonomous.


I will seek possibilities to realize a healthier society.

KEIKO mizuno 

Keishogrm. Inc.