
GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES 全球美徳倫One Word a Day: Global virtue ethics “こころで人を動かす”言動:一日一語 Global Beauty Times 365 – 全球领导956,957,958 Matters of health, March 29,30,31 2024 令和6年3月29,30,31日


GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES  全球美徳倫One Word a Day: Global virtue ethics


Global Beauty Times 365 – 全球领导956,957,958  

Matters of health, March 29,30,31 2024 令和6329,30,31




Actions speak louder than words.


#Ease Loneliness for Remote Workers

Remote work offers many benefits, but the lack of community can cause some workers to feel isolated and lonely. If you manage remote employees, take these steps to combat loneliness on your team.


Show recognition. Be proactive about celebrating people’s personal and professional wins. This could take the form of writing individual thank-you notes or scheduling team-wide employee-appreciation events. Fostering a culture of gratitude and appreciation will help your team feel more connected, even at a distance.


Support career advancement. If your employees feel you're invested in their growth, they're more likely to be engaged and less lonely at work. You might look for opportunities to make career development a team sport. Scheduling monthly lunch-and-learns, starting a peer mentorship program, or bringing in public speakers are small ways to foster communal growth.


Model open and honest communication. Don't be shy about discussing your interests and life outside of work. If you bring your whole self to work, others on your team may follow suit, leading to more authentic relationships and deeper bonds.








支持職業發展。如果你的員工感覺到你對他們的成長投入了精力,他們更有可能在工作中保持參與並減輕孤獨感。你可以尋找機會將職業發展變成團隊活動。安排每月午餐學習活動、動同儕 mentor 計劃或邀請公開演講者都是促進共同成長的小方法。















#Making Bad Meetings Better

We all have those recurring meetings that feel inefficient, unproductive, or aimless. How can you make them better when you’re not the one running them? Here’s how to get involved before, during, and after to nudge things in the right direction.


The best time to intervene is often before the meeting even takes place. Reach out to the organizer to ask if there’s an agenda, relevant materials they can share in advance, or anything you can do to help prepare.


During a meeting that’s veering off topic, you can take initiative and steer the conversation back on course. Refer back to the agenda if there is one. If there isn’t one, you can speak up to clarify the goal of the meeting, then point out when the conversation feels off topic.


After the meeting, reach out to the organizer to compare notes and clarify next steps and who’s responsible for them. This will ensure follow-through—and that the meeting wasn’t ultimately pointless.












効率が悪い、生産性が低い、または目的が不明確な繰り返し開催される会議がありますよね。あなたが主催者ではない場合、それらを改善する方法はどうすればいいのでしょうか? 以下は、会議の前、中、後に関わる方法です。









  1. 平等の原則:すべての人間は生まれながらにして平等であり、人種、性別、信条、出身、障がい、またはその他の属性に基づいて差別されるべきではないという原則です。
  2. 自由の原則:すべての人間は自由に生まれ、表現、信仰、行動、または選択する権利を持っているという原則です。これには、表現の自由、宗教の自由、思想の自由、および個人の自由が含まれます。
  3. 尊厳の原則:すべての人間は、その人間らしさや尊厳を尊重されるべきであり、虐待や屈辱的な扱いを受けるべきではないという原則です。


The three principles of human rights are generally as follows:

  1. Principle of Equality: All human beings are born equal and should not be discriminated against based on race, gender, creed, origin, disability, or any other attribute.
  2. Principle of Liberty: All human beings are born free and have the right to express, believe, act, or choose freely. This includes freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom of thought, and individual liberties.
  3. Principle of Dignity: All human beings should be respected for their humanity and dignity and should not be subjected to abuse or degrading treatment.



  1. 平等原:所有人类生来平等,不因种族、性别、信仰、出身、残疾或其他属性而受到歧
  2. 自由原:所有人类生来自由,并有权自由表达、信仰、行选择包括言自由、宗教自由、思想自由以及个人自由。
  3. :所有人类都受到其人性和尊的尊重,不受到虐待或侮辱性待。





Respecting others is respecting yourself.




Thank you for your support and I hope you‘ll good it! 

今日も一日をご機嫌で!共に顔晴りましょう。 ありがとうございました。

May you have many wonderful things in your life.


Keiko Mizuno,水野敬子,2024, Global Beauty Times Premium


Global Beauty Times 365 – 全球领导954,955 Matters of health, March 27,28, 2024 令和6年3月27,28日


GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES  全球美徳倫One Word a Day: Global virtue ethics


Global Beauty Times 365 – 全球领导954,955  Matters of health, March 27,28, 2024 令和6327,28



Setting boundaries is not a rejection of others, but a manifestation of self-respect.



#Protect Your Boundaries When Your Company Is Struggling

When your company is having a tough time, you might feel compelled to work longer hours in an attempt to help right the ship. But if you're not careful, your valiant efforts could lead to burnout. Here’s how to strike a balance between being loyal to your company and to yourself.


Get specifics before taking on new assignments. Make sure you understand: What’s the objective? How will success be measured? What exactly will be required of you? How many hours will it take? Once you have a clear understanding of the expectations, then you can confidently decide if it’s a good match.


Graciously decline new roles if your primary responsibilities will suffer. The key is to focus on why saying no is in the best interests of everyone involved. You might say something like, “If I devote time to marketing at this juncture, it will take away from my ability to focus on revenue generation, which is critical to all of us.”


Find small ways to protect your time—and communicate those boundaries clearly. Block time on your calendar for focused work, and decide which meetings are most valuable for you to attend. Most importantly, proactively share your schedule to manage people’s expectations. Limiting your availability can be difficult when your company is struggling, so communication is key.





















#Stop Enabling a Culture of Overwork

If you’re not careful, flexible work can blur the boundary between your employees’ personal and professional lives, leading to a culture of overwork. If your organization needs to make a change, you can follow a three-step plan.


Start by assessing the level of overwork in your organization. Conduct interviews and surveys to identify how deeply overwork is entrenched in your culture and, crucially, what are the key drivers, which could be at the organizational level, the job level, or the personal level. This will give you more information about dysfunctions you may not have been aware of in the organization.


Then create a plan for incremental change. Once you understand where the culture of overwork is coming from, you can make targeted efforts to combat it. For example, perhaps you create a trial period in which communications are limited to traditional work hours. Start small and keep it simple.


Run the trial. Once you have a plan in place, treat it like an experiment. Communicate it clearly —and seek input from your employees before, during, and after the trial period. Make sure you're listening and responding to their concerns.




















#タイトル: 過労の文化を変革するためのステップバイステップアプローチ


  1. 過労の評価: 「私たちの組織では、過労はどれほど広がっていますか?」
  2. 根本原因の特定: 「過労を引き起こしている主要な原因は何ですか?これは組織レベル、仕事レベル、または個人レベルにありますか?」
  3. 小さな変更から始める: 「どのような小さな変更を試みることができますか?例えば、コミュニケーションを制限する、または勤務時間を調整するなどの変更は可能ですか?」
  4. フィードバックの収集と評価: 「実験の前、中、後で従業員からどのようなフィードバックを収集し、どのようにそれを評価しますか?」
  5. 継続的な改善: 「得られたフィードバックに基づいて、どのように計画を調整し、改善を続けますか?」


#Title: A Step-by-Step Approach to Transforming a Culture of Overwork


  1. Assessing Overwork: "How widespread is overwork within our organization?"
  2. Identifying Root Causes: "What are the primary causes of overwork? Are they at the organizational, job, or personal level?"
  3. Starting with Small Changes: "What small changes can we try? For example, could we limit communications or adjust working hours?"
  4. Collecting and Evaluating Feedback: "How will we collect and evaluate feedback from employees before, during, and after the experiment?"
  5. Continuing to Improve: "Based on the feedback received, how will we adjust our plan and continue to improve?"


#标题: 变过劳文化的逐步方法


  1. 过劳情况: "组织内部,过劳有多普遍?"
  2. 别根本原因: "过劳的主要原因是什么?它是在组织层面、工作是个人面?"
  3. 从小改开始: "可以尝试哪些小改?例如,我能限制沟通或整工作时间吗"
  4. 收集和估反: "将如何在实验前、中、后收集并工的反"
  5. : "根据收到的反,我将如何整我划并继续"




Thank you for your support and I hope you‘ll good it! 

今日も一日をご機嫌で!共に顔晴りましょう。 ありがとうございました。

May you have many wonderful things in your life.


Keiko Mizuno,水野敬子,2024, Global Beauty Times Premium