
Beauty ahead of Time - Global Mind set : Chapter 2. Three factors that bring about creativity

 Chapter 2. Three factors that bring about creativity

There are people who say they don’t think they are creative. I assure them that they have an innate creativity that is higher than anything they have ever used before. Their work stimulates and unleashes that innate creativity.

Consider the following example. You put coffee and sugar in a cup. Then you take a sip of your coffee, but it doesn’t taste sweet. Why? The answer is obvious. You forgot to stir the sugar in the cup.

The same can be said about your creativity. It’s like the sugar at the bottom of a cup of coffee. You need to stir it so that it dissolves and spreads throughout the cup.

The three factors

Like the sugar in your coffee, your creativity is naturally stimulated by three factors. You are in control of all three.

  1.  Aspiration for goal

The clearer you are about what you want and the more positive you are about achieving it, the more creative you can be and the better your ideas will be.

The more you want something, the more likely you are to find a creative way to achieve it.   That’s why it is said, “There are no uncreative people, only those who don’t have a goal they passionately desire.
There is no such thing as an uncreative person.

Decide on a goal that, when achieved, will have a wonderfully positive impact on your life. Write it down on a piece of paper so that even a child can understand it. This process of deciding what you want will immediately give you the idea to implement it in order to achieve your goal.

2.Pressing problems.

There are all wonderful stimuli that can lead to great creativity. If there is a problem or obstacle that prevents you from doing something important that you need to achieve, you can be incredibly creative in overcoming it.

Clarity is essential for creative thinking. The first step is to decide on a goal or purpose. Ask yourself,” What do I really want in my life? Ask yourself. Why am I still not in a place to achieve that goal or purpose? Why haven’t I achieved my goal yet?

“What are the biggest and most important reasons why I am not achieving my goals?

Once you have identified the biggest obstacles and difficulties that are keeping you from achieving your goals, you will be able to come up with a series of ideas to solve them.

3.The right questions

The ability to ask questions of oneself and others in order to think about one’s own situation is an important stimulus for creativity. Jim Collins, in his book” Going Further” (Good to Great), states that the hallmark of a great company is that its executives are willing to reflect on the status quo and ask themselves “hard questions”.

Peter Drucker famously said Peter Drucker famously said,” My profession is not that of a consultant, but that of an insulant. I never give answers. I never give answers; I only ask questions that people should consider in order to find the answers for themselves.

Peter Drucker famously said Peter Drucker famously said,” My profession is not that of a consultant, but that of an insulant. I never give answers. I never give answers; I only ask questions that people should consider in order to find the answers for themselves.

A must for Beautifully: 

☆Being open-minded, accepting, confident and humble.
Having gratitude and acknowledges one’s fault to openly apologize.  Approach and greet with a gentle and cheerful smile on a daily basis.

Analyze your assumptions

One of the most powerful ways to tap into your creativity is to constantly examine your assumptions. Ensure that the goals, problems and questions you have in mind are realistic for your life and your current situation.

Constantly ask yourself:” What are my assumptions? ” What are my assumptions? And Remember that many of your assumptions about life, work, customers, money, markets and people are either false or partially false.

What are your obvious assumptions? What are the assumptions you are unaware of? Above all, what if your most cherished assumptions are false?

Every failure is caused by a false assumption. When you are faced with a problem, resistance or difficulty, ask yourself: “What are my assumptions? ”What are my assumptions? What if my assumptions are wrong?

☆Use the space available below to write your challenge 1,2 and 3 in detail.

1. What goals would have the most positive impact on your career and work if you could achieve them?

2.What are the key assumptions you have made about your professional and personal life that you would have to do very differently if they turned out not to be true?

3. What do you need to acheive your new goals?

Continue to Chapter 3 Mind storming

©Kelly, SPACES,INC. 


©Kelly Mizuno SPACES,INC.


With gratitude and appreciation,
Keiko, Kelly MIZUNO
Have a wonderful rest of the day, everyone. Take care.




『教え方:Human Skills Management学んでいただくものです。


<概 要>  

【日  時】  





【会  場】    都内会議場 または ZOOMによるオンライン参加

【対  象】   20224月入社の新入社員受け入れマネジャー・リーダー

【参    費】  参加費: 1名      29,900円

              2名以上の参加  16,600円

         特典: 3月18日(予定)に行われる新人マナー研修




【定      員】  会場30名 / オンライン22名(先着順)

【講 師】     水野敬子

 https://spacesinc.webnode.jp/  株式会社SPACES

海外ビジネス33年、グローバルリーティングカンパニーである外資系医薬品・化学品メーカーで戦略経営人事にて突出した成果を上げ社会に貢献する。難病母の介護と仕事の両立を図る為起業。約15年間たった一人で難病母の介護を実現の為、グローバルトップ企業のオンボーディングプログラムの構築と実習を通して「凡事徹底」を伝え世界に影響力のある次世代リーダーを約8万人以上創出。約20年産業能率大学でその実績を活かし”クリエイティブマインドやマネジメント”におけるグローバルマインドセット力を伝授する。現在は新しい社会における心理的安全性のある職場づくりへの支援としてハラスメント防止法改正におけるコンテンツ提供やグローバルに活躍する企業の人間力教育で美しい道を歩く為の”思いやり”凡事徹底Small Happiness運動を通して社会に貢献し続けているデザインコンサルタントとしてグローバルに活躍中です。


【研修内容】  1.ニューノーマル社会人・組織人の受けいれの心構え

          2.   ニューノーマル「グローバルビジネスマナー」の基本







【申し込み方法】 info@keishogrm.com メールにて

          参加氏名 企業名 参加日時




 【お問い合わせ先】株式会社SPACES 経営人事部:小笠原

           TEL: 090-5410-2561/03-3585-0305





Thank you for your support and I hope you‘ll good it! 
May you have many wonderful things in your life.
そして Try lots of new things. 新しい経験をたくさんしよう。

Copyright Ⓒ Keiko. Kelly敬里 Mizuno SPACES,INC ( https://spacesinc.webnode.jp) info@keishogrm.comUse English in your daily life 英語を身近に使いましょうThank you for reading today.お読みいただいてありがとうございました。Behave smart and beautiful!! Moving forward with you.より美的健康を創造しよう、ご一緒にThis email contains information about Scientific evidence, SPACES’s research, insights, services, or events. このメールには、科学的に証明されたエビデンス、スぺ―シーズのリサーチ、インサイト、サービス、イベントなどに関する情報が含まれています。

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