
Beauty ahead of Time - Global Mind set : Chapter 6: The Key is Optimism

Global Mind set : Chapter 6:  The Key is Optimism

A survey of the presidents of 500 fast-growing medium-sized companies shows that the management is surprisingly optimistic about their company, its products, services and the future of the company. This optimism is widespread and pervasive in the organisation, creating not only positive energy and positive imagination among members, but also generating ideas that lead the company to further success.

           BE YOU!!!   BE BELIEVE!!!


Optimism can be developed and sustained in two different ways.

1. by always thinking and talking about what you want and how you can get it. Optimistic people think about their goals from morning till night. They believe that their world is full of opportunities and are constantly asking themselves how they can achieve their goals and solve their problems.

2. find the good in every person and situation. Optimists are convinced that there is a solution to every problem. They believe that if you have a clear goal, you can always find a way to achieve it. When things go wrong, as they often do, optimists try to find something good or useful to do with the bad situation.

The language of optimists

A characteristic of optimists is that they never use the word "problem". Instead, they neutralise the negative word by simply calling it a reversal or a difficulty, a "situation". They say, "Now we are facing an interesting situation.

While the word "problem" evokes feelings of fear and defeat, the word "situation" is neutral. We wrestle with the problem, but we tackle the situation.

An even better word is challenge. If a problem is something you wrestle with, something that can lead to failure, or loss of time or money, a challenge is something you rise to in order to bring out the best in yourself and those around you.

From now on, when things go wrong, you can say, "I'm facing an interesting challenge.
The best word is chance. If you think carefully about each problem or difficulty that lies behind an opportunity, you will undoubtedly be amazed at how many opportunities there are. If you had remained stuck on what was initially seen as a problem, you would have missed the opportunity altogether.

When confronted with any problem, the most important question to ask is "Why is this a problem? Often, thanks to your super-consciousness, failures and setbacks come as "gifts". It makes you realise that you are not on the right track. Think of every problem or difficulty as an opportunity that has been specifically given to you to enable you to succeed even more in the future. This is the mindset of a competent executive.

Look for the useful lessons

If you seek out the "valuable lessons" in any failure or setback, you can remain optimistic in any situation. One of the great orders of the universe is that in every failure or setback there is a lesson that will help you to succeed even more.

So let's consider the next challenge. Identify one of your biggest problems or difficulties at the moment. Imagine that it was given to you as a gift with a lesson to be learned to help you move forward faster in your personal and business life. 

What is the lesson?

Nurture your spirit

In order to become a perfect optimist, we need to regularly enrich our minds with positive ideas, information, knowledge and conversations with positive people. You have to nourish your mind to become the person you want to be and make it happen. If you enrich your mind with positive material, you will be equipped with a positive, more intelligent and creative mind.

If you cultivate this mindset in every challenge, you will be amazed at the great insights and lessons that can be learned from difficult situations. The lessons learnt are the key to future success.

Positive thoughts, statements and analysis will encourage your superconscious mind to work faster and at a higher level than ever before.

Whatever you think regularly, you will begin to be fascinated by your life. Like a magnet attracting scrap metal, if you speak and think negatively, or worry about the future, you will activate the Law of Attraction and allow those worries to enter your life. You have to be careful.

Your superconscious mind needs clarity, commitment, belief and aspiration. You need a strong feeling, and aspiration is the best of all.

The more fiercely you want to be, to want this, to achieve something important, the faster your superconscious mind will bring you insights and ideas, bringing you closer to your goal, and your goal closer to you.


Use the space available below to write your challenge 1, 2 and 3 in detail. 

1. decide now to "be the perfect optimist". Think and talk only about what you want and how you will get it. Find the good in every situation. Look for useful lessons in difficulties and continually enrich your mind with positive "mental nourishment" such as books, TV/radio, DVDs and positive, life-enriching conversations. What is the nourishment of your mind?

2. use optimist language. Avoid words that imply negativity and replace them with words that energise and emphasise problem solving. What are the words that make you feel positive? What do they say to you that energises you to take action? Write down 22 specific words and 22 specific words you would like to be told.

3. there are many people who try to bring people into their sphere with negative words. Even smart and successful people can feel pessimistic about their own inability to act. It's the difference between letting it show and not letting it show. Let go of the negativity. If you don't do something, you're not going to do it. What motivates you to turn your lazy side into a positive one? 

Continue to Chapter 7 : Developing the qualities of a genius

©Kelly, SPACES,INC. 


©Kelly Mizuno SPACES,INC.


With gratitude and appreciation,
Keiko, Kelly MIZUNO
Have a wonderful rest of the day, everyone. Take care.



― ハラスメントは許さない!










イントロダクション : 

1.    改正パワハラ防止法の定義


☆パワハラ?☆モラハラ?☆リモハラ??? 定義を理解する

あなたは大丈夫??? 誰でもパワハラ被害者になるかも?

2.    改正パワハラ対策の実践




3.    改正パワハラ対策を遵守する組織のつくり方

 ・人間関係構築における最重要ポイント ・新しい人と時間の付き合い方

 ・相手が共感する傾聴法 ・フィードバックの重要性





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講師:水野敬子  株式会社SPACES 代表

お申込み方法:メール info@keishgrm.com




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