
Beauty ahead of Time - Global Mind set : Chapter 11: Two approaches to thinking

 ©Kelly Mizuno SPACES,INC.

Beauty ahead of Time - Global Mind set : Chapter 11:  Two approaches to thinking 

©Keiko Kelly Mizuno SPACES,INC.

Your way of thinking can either stifle or liberate your inner creativity.  An individual's specific way of thinking begins in childhood and is usually acquired by imitating one or both parents. When you were too young to understand things, you learned from the way your parents thought.


A different mindset is usually a survival or coping mechanism.

It is developed unconsciously and unthinkingly as a reaction to the uncertainty and unpredictability that surrounds you. Fortunately, it is possible to unlearn these styles of thinking because they are learned. With continuous training, positive and more active thinking can overcome and counteract unhelpful thinking.


Your way of thinking can either stifle or liberate your inner creativity. An individual's specific way of thinking begins in childhood and is usually acquired by imitating one or both parents. When you were too young to understand things, you learned from the way your parents thought.


A different mindset is usually a survival or coping mechanism. It is developed unconsciously and unthinkingly as a reaction to the uncertainty and unpredictability that surrounds you. Fortunately, it is possible to unlearn these styles of thinking because they are learned. With continuous training, positive and more active thinking can overcome and counteract unhelpful thinking.


Mechanical thinking


If you adopt different styles of thinking and arrange them in a wide field, you will have mechanical thinking on the one hand and adaptive thinking on the other.


People who think mechanically are rigidly inflexible and very fixed in their ideas and opinions. They rely on what is known as "mechanical thinking" or unconscious thinking, and are unwilling to bend their ideas and interpretations, or to adopt ideas and opinions that deviate from what they have once decided to think. 


Mechanical thinking is also a form of "standard thinking", judging all things as opposite, black or white, wrong or right, with little or no distinction.


Why doesn't it work?


Mechanical thinkers have a tendency to be pessimistic and to look for reasons why something new or different won't work. In natural language processing, this is called "classification by difference". This type of person will keep looking for ways in which your words or suggestions differ from past events or from what they currently believe. Once they find a difference or conflict, your ideas are immediately disregarded and discarded.


Mechanical thinking is not creative. The favorite word of mechanical thinkers is "no". They have a so-called mental hardening or "attitude hardening".


How do we confront the mechanical thinker? By placing them in jobs and positions that do not require creative thinking. Most governments have people like this in their ranks, from the top to the bottom. This is why it is so difficult to get bureaucrats and government officials to accept anything better or different.


They can be good accountants, engineers and programmers. They score high on the aptitude tests for "adaptability" and "stability". They feel most comfortable in situations that are completely predictable and where change and disruption are unlikely. They are not particularly creative, but they are happy there. In fact, most of them are convinced that other people, who are more flexible and open to new ideas, are more unstable and less capable than they are.


Adaptive Thinking


Adaptive thinking is characterized by a high degree of flexibility in the approach to a project, problem or goal. As already mentioned, this way of thinking is also a characteristic of geniuses and highly creative people. This kind of thinking is something you should train yourself to do on a daily basis.


As is often the case, some people think mechanically in certain areas and adaptively in others. Some people are very firm in their political or religious beliefs, but relaxed and easygoing in other matters. The ideal for you would be to be an adaptive thinker in as many areas as possible.


Be flexible


People who think adaptively have no prejudices. They avoid clinging to their own ideas. They are impartial, stepping away from an idea and thinking as if someone else had come up with it and asked them for an objective assessment.


They are more flexible and try to look at the problem from many angles. They are optimistic in their belief that problems can be solved and are always looking for innovative and positive solutions to the most difficult challenges.


They are creative, imaginative and ask open-ended questions - why? When? Where? How? By whom? Which? and so on.


The key to being a good, adaptive creative thinker is to withhold judgment on as many things as possible, especially in the beginning. By withholding judgement and eliminating prejudice, you will naturally be more flexible in your thinking.


Finally, be willing to change your mind if you make a decision and receive new information that could counteract that decision. In particular, don't allow yourself to get hung up on a particular idea or belief if the evidence is against you.




1. challenge your self-control beliefs about yourself, especially about your talents, abilities and potential. What if what you believe is not true? What if you have unlimited potential and all you have to do is use it? What would you do? Write down the bullet points.


2. think about a situation that is currently causing you considerable frustration or anger. Imagine that the attitude you are taking is completely wrong and that another person is right. Or imagine that there is an effective way of dealing with the situation that is completely different to what you have been thinking about. Draw a picture of the way you feel when you change your attitude. Or write it down in words!


3. Write down the chapters and sentences you have read so far from chapter 1 to chapter 10 that have given you the best ideas. By finding ideas and sentences that suit you from what you have learned in this way, you will be able to develop new intellectual skills. Try to write them down. If you don't write it down, it doesn't mean you haven't learnt anything, it just means you don't have enough curiosity to unlock your own potential.




1. challenge your self-control beliefs about yourself, especially about your talents, abilities and potential. What if what you believe is not true? What if you have unlimited potential and all you have to do is use it? What would you do? Write down the bullet points.


2. think about a situation that is currently causing you considerable frustration or anger. Imagine that the attitude you are taking is completely wrong and that another person is right. Or imagine that there is an effective way of dealing with the situation that is completely different to what you have been thinking about. Draw a picture of the way you feel when you change your attitude. Or write it down in words!


3. Write down the chapters and sentences you have read so far from chapter 1 to chapter 10 that have given you the best ideas. By finding ideas and sentences that suit you from what you have learned in this way, you will be able to develop new intellectual skills. Try to write them down. If you don't write it down, it doesn't mean you haven't learnt anything, it just means you don't have enough curiosity to unlock your own potential.

One of the clearest signs of learning is rethinking your assumptions and revising your opinions.

 Continue with Chapter 12: The practice of horizontal thinking

☆Please tell us what you think. The first 11 people to give us their feedback will receive a free copy of Safety Awareness Management. 


©Kelly Mizuno SPACES,INC.


With gratitude and appreciation,
Keiko, Kelly MIZUNO
Have a wonderful rest of the day, everyone. Take care.




― 働くことって楽しい!











イントロダクション : リモートワークでも出来るシンプル健康脳体操

1.    あなたのマネジメントスタイルに氣づく


2.    改正職場マネジメント対策の実践


3.    改正パワハラ対策を遵守する組織のつくり方

 ・人間関係構築における最重要ポイント ・新しい人と時間の付き合い方

 ・相手が共感する傾聴法 ・フィードバックの重要性




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講師:水野敬子  株式会社SPACES 代表

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