
Beauty ahead of Time - Global Mind set _ Chapter 21: Evaluation of ideas

 ©Keiko Kelly Mizuno SPACES,INC. 

Chapter 21: Evaluation of ideas

There are so many ideas. Even new products produced after extensive research and testing fail 80 per cent of the time, and 99 per cent of new ideas prove to be impractical. Before you immerse yourself in your idea, impose a rigorous evaluation.


First, does it work? Does it work? Will it make a meaningful difference?

Is it a good enough idea to bring about a meaningful improvement in the status quo?



Is your new product or service efficient? Is it a significant improvement over the status quo? I've seen many people go into the marketplace with great skill and determination, believing that their product or service will sell. However, you need to ask yourself: "Why are customers already satisfied? Why would a customer stop buying something they are already happy with and buy your product instead? Your product already exists.


Your product must always be a significant improvement over what already exists.



Does the new product or service fit into human nature? Does it fit in with the way people prefer to shop? Today, people buy what they want online, rather than getting into a car and driving to a distant shop, which is inconvenient and time-consuming. Many other people will still go to the shop for the actual shopping experience. People want to touch, taste, smell and feel something before they buy it. They like to have a vivid shopping experience.


Which way of buying is most likely to be preferred for the product you sell?


Do you yourself like it?

Do you yourself like the innovation of a new product or service? Will you buy it and use it in your home or business? Would you recommend or sell it to your parents, siblings or friends? The most successful and innovative breakthroughs in fast-growing companies are those where the managers and directors really believe in it, enjoy using it and recommend it to everyone.


Is the idea for a new product or service compatible with your goals? Is the idea something that you or someone else could be totally committed to? If it doesn't fit with what you want to achieve in life by giving yourself wholeheartedly to it, it's probably better to pass it on to someone else.


Is it simple?

At the end of the day, is it simple? In the final analysis, almost all good innovations are simple. Most of them can be explained in 25 words or less. Customers in the general market can hear the explanation of the innovation. And they say: "Yes, that's it. That's good. That's what I want. I'll buy that. That's what I need." I can say.


Simplicity is the key to success when bringing new products and services to market. This is because they are sold by the public, who are not necessarily experts in the product or service they are selling. They are bought by the public and should not be expected to understand the intricacies of the product or service. They may not easily understand the product or its true value.


Is the timing right? Is it practical today? Sometimes an idea comes to the market too early or too late. A luxury product may be a great idea but find it difficult to gain a reputation during a recession. Similarly, a discounted product may fail in a boom time.


Is it feasible? Is it worth the time, labor and expense of producing and shipping a new product or service?



1. ask yourself "tough questions" about your product or service idea and ask your current and potential customers for their opinions before investing in the market.

2. remind yourself of the golden rules of business success. Rule No. 1: "The customer is always right". Rule No. 2 is "When in doubt, go back to Rule No. 1".

3. is it something you really want to do?

Continue to Chapter 22 Conclusion

 ☆We'd love to hear what you think.

©Kelly Mizuno SPACES,INC.


With gratitude and appreciation,
Keiko, Kelly MIZUNO
Have a wonderful rest of the day, everyone. Take care.


― 働くことって楽しい!












イントロダクション : リモートワークでも出来るシンプル健康脳体操

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2.    改正職場マネジメント対策の実践


3.    改正パワハラ対策を遵守する組織のつくり方

 ・人間関係構築における最重要ポイント ・新しい人と時間の付き合い方

 ・相手が共感する傾聴法 ・フィードバックの重要性




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講師:水野敬子  株式会社SPACES 代表

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