
Beauty ahead of Time - Global Mind set : Chapter 8 : Seven Steps to Problem Solving

©Kelly Mizuno, SPACES,INC. 

Beauty ahead of Time - Global Mind set : Chapter  8 :   Seven Steps to Problem Solving

Any systematic method will produce a better quality solution than no method at all. In this chapter we present seven systematic steps to problem solving. 

Clarify the problem (in writing)


Writing is considered to be a psych neurological activity. By writing down the problem (on a piece of paper, whiteboard, flip chart, etc.), you are forced to engage your visual, auditory and motor senses. As a result, you are activating your whole brain in the first place. Of course, 50% of the problem can be solved by the action of clarifying it in advance.


In many cases where people have been struggling with a problem for a long time, they have not clearly defined the problem in the first place. Ambiguous thinking is a major obstacle to success in life and work.

Read, research, gather information.


Get the facts. McKinsey & Company is one of the world's most successful management consulting firms. The McKinsey Method consists of first defining the problem in advance, and then defining the variations of the problem. Next, we gather as much information as possible and prove that the details are correct, not just guesses.


The more information we have, the more likely we are to come up with the right solution based on the data. Be prepared to be led in any direction by the facts. Resist the temptation, early in the process, to seek information that will only confirm the impulse to solve or the initial conclusion. Be flexible and don't be preoccupied.

Don't "reinvent the wheel".


Whatever problem you are working on, remember that it has probably been solved somewhere else, by someone else, often at great cost.


There is no need to "reinvent the wheel". Ask questions and seek advice from informed people and experts. Find people who have had the same problem and find out how they tackled it. In most cases, you don't have to start at the beginning.


If you have a complex problem to solve, the best use of your time and money is to employ a consultant or expert. Paying a few hundred dollars or even a few thousand dollars to hire an expert can save you money and lost time. Some of the costliest mistakes I've made in my business have come from my own mistakes and my reluctance to consult with experts before committing time and money to an idea or project.


Engage the subconscious mind

Once you have gathered the information and thoroughly discussed it with the people involved, the first thing to do is to try to solve the problem consciously. Think of all the things you can do, and if you are not satisfied with the answer, forget about it for a while. Give everyone time to think for a while, then schedule a discussion and come back to the problem.

The Bible says, "Do all things, that you may be able to stand firm. To apply this phrase to problem solving, it means that if you cannot solve a problem after completing the information gathering process, you should leave the problem altogether and concentrate on something else.

By diverting your attention from the problem or difficulty and immersing yourself in something completely different, your subconscious or superconscious mind will begin to work around the clock to solve the problem, like a supercomputer processing a complex equation or series of numbers. By leaving the problem to your own higher intelligence, relaxing your mind and immersing yourself in something else, you will find that the answer you seek will come at the right time.

Use sleep to your advantage

Just before you fall asleep, review your problem and ask your subconscious mind for a solution. If you have a difficulty or dilemma that you need to tackle the next day, this is a great way to do it. By asking for a solution, you will often find the perfect answer or solution when you wake up. You may wake up in the middle of the night and come up with an answer or insight. Or you may wake up in the morning and find the answer is there, like a butterfly landing on your shoulder.

write things down

It is always a good idea to carry a notebook or notepad with you. This way you can write down these answers and ideas at any time, and avoid forgetting them. If you have a breakthrough idea, write it down immediately. One good idea can be worth years of effort. Sometimes all you need to do to take the first step to good fortune is to find a single good idea.

Act in such a way that your actions have a positive effect on the people around you.

Take action


Finally, whatever your idea, act on it immediately. Don't hesitate. It's not uncommon for an idea to fade over time. If you act quickly, the results will be great. But if you wait a few hours or days before you act, you are likely to miss the timing. Don't let that happen.

A person who is better than he used to be can be called really good and beautiful. A person who is more beautiful than another person cannot be called truly beautiful. It is not that the times are new. It is that we are born again every day.

Nothing is taken for granted. Everything is a problem because of the actions of someone. Therefore, in everything you do, believe only in thinking for yourself.

Always think for yourself, always question, always exchange ideas with others, and you will gain the ability to think in many ways and to think deeply.

As we walk into the future, the most important thing is to keep asking "why? The most important thing as we walk into the future is to ask "why?



1.  Do a Google search for your problem or goal. Download and carefully review all the articles and blogs that mention your problem or goal. You may be surprised at what other people have already found and done.


2. Once you have a clear understanding of your problem or goal, seek out and ask questions of people who may already have solved the same problem. Ask around to see if you know anyone who has solved the problem you are working on. You may be surprised at how quickly you find the right person.

Continue to chapter 9/22 labouring in vain


©Kelly Mizuno SPACES,INC.


With gratitude and appreciation,
Keiko, Kelly MIZUNO
Have a wonderful rest of the day, everyone. Take care.



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