
Beauty ahead of Time - Global Mind set : 17: Don't leave disability as a 'problem'

  ©Keiko Kelly Mizuno SPACES,INC. 

There will be obstacles and hindrances on the way to achieving your goals in business and in your personal life. Some are obvious and unquestionable, others are invisible and unexpected. Donald Rumsfeld described some of the obstacles as "the unknown unknowns".


My aim is to show how we can use our sense of beauty to achieve success in business, and I hope that this will lead to a healthy level of success and self-realization in the new age. By being creative and focusing on narrow and deep problems and broad and shallow problems, we can lead to an oversupply. The value of the overabundance = correct answers will be deflated, while the value of the "scarcity = problems" will be inflated.


In the previous chapters, we have discussed "pressing issues". One of the main uses of creativity is to identify all the factors that are holding you back from achieving your most important goals and objectives. And you need to examine each of these issues to determine the biggest obstacle, the obstacle that, more than any other, will help you achieve your goals faster by removing it.


Because in the future, we will be able to identify and raise new issues that no one else has built, and therefore we will be able to create a new DX era, which is not what it should be? This is the reason why we have to face up to the actual problem, because we also need to be able to create a new idea and communicate it to others in an easy-to-understand way.


In this era of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity), which is often referred to a global conference, trying to be logical and rational in an unnecessary way can lead to a lack of creativity and problem solving skills in management. If we try to be logical and rational, it can lead to a paralysis of our ability to solve problems and to be creative.


In such an uncertain world, we need to be able to intuitively perceive the whole, and to conceptualize, plan and create in an introspective way what we perceive as "true, good and beautiful".


A rock on the road

Imagine that you are walking with a group of people along a mountain path. Just as you come to a turn, a huge rock falls in front of you, blocking your way. In this parable, the aim of the organization is to bring together the different talents and skills needed and to eliminate this "rock in the road" that is blocking further progress.


A group of people I work with in Los Angeles have set up a high-tech company and are providing a valuable service to publicly traded companies. They are continually improving their products and the customers who use them report excellent results. The problem is that their business was not good enough to break even, much less make a profit. They continued to raise money from prospective investors just to survive. This went on for several years.


Then they realized the critical fact that new businesses in the high-tech industry are prone to. They realized that their problem was not to improve the technology, but to sell it to more customers. Because of their technical background, they never dreamed that the ability to sell in sufficient numbers would be more important than the product or service to make a profit.


Focus on sales

With this discovery, they turned their attention to finding outstanding sales professionals, so-called "outperformers", who could sell their products to a larger market. Once they had a clear understanding of the solution they needed, they quickly found the right person with the right set of sales skills.


After one year, the sales executive's aggressive 50-hour work week took the company from a loss to a profit. 2 years later, profits had doubled and tripled. The second year, profits doubled and tripled; the third year, profits increased tenfold in a way that had never occurred to them before. The share price also increased tenfold and all the financial problems that had accumulated over the years were quickly resolved.


What's the "rock" for you? What is the number one obstacle that is holding back your desired personal goals or financial results? Whatever it is, you must always identify the biggest problem and manage to avoid, overcome or deal with this rock in order to achieve your most important goal.


Identifying the main rock and focusing all your mental energy on removing the obstacle from the road will help you to make many times more progress than removing other smaller obstacles.


Clusters of problems (cluster problems)

In business, the obstacles in your way often appear as complex problems, or "clusters of problems". This type of problem is a collection of many small factors that come together to form an obstacle to your desired progress.


However, there is always a major problem within such a complex cluster of problems, which must be solved before the other minor problems can be solved. Once that main problem is solved or eliminated, all the other smaller problems seem to be solved quickly.


The greatest mistake that people make is to put off what is proper and necessary, or what is difficult, in favor of what is pleasant and easy.

They prefer to be involved in small obstacles and everyday problems. They distract themselves and ignore the main obstacles that stand in their way: huge rocks and limited causes.



1. identify the single biggest obstacle that is limiting your sales and profits, both inside and outside your business.

2. get used to saying the following magic words: "I was wrong. I was wrong. I made a mistake. I've had second thoughts".

3. what initiatives from your experience would help you to sharpen your 'intuition' and 'sensitivity'?


Continue to Chapter 18: Seven Opportunities for Innovation

 ☆We'd love to hear what you think.

©Kelly Mizuno SPACES,INC.


With gratitude and appreciation,
Keiko, Kelly MIZUNO
Have a wonderful rest of the day, everyone. Take care.


― 働くことって楽しい!











イントロダクション : リモートワークでも出来るシンプル健康脳体操

1.    あなたのマネジメントスタイルに氣づく


2.    改正職場マネジメント対策の実践


3.    改正パワハラ対策を遵守する組織のつくり方

 ・人間関係構築における最重要ポイント ・新しい人と時間の付き合い方

 ・相手が共感する傾聴法 ・フィードバックの重要性




費用:55,000(税込)  所要時間:ワーク及び質疑応答を含め5時間


開催:オンライン Zoom   

開催日:毎月3回実施 3月7日、3月11日、3月15日



定員:11名    お振込みが完了後、ZoomURLをお送り差し上げます。


講師:水野敬子  株式会社SPACES 代表

お申込み方法:メール info@keishgrm.com




お問い合わせ:090-5410-2561 または info@keishogrm.com まで


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