
Knowing Your Authentic Self


Knowing Your Authentic Self

When the 75 members of Stanford Graduate School of Business’s Advisory Council were asked to recommend the most important capability for leaders to develop, their answer was nearly unanimous: self-awareness. Yet many leaders, especially those early in their careers, are trying so hard to establish themselves in the world that they leave little time for self-exploration. They strive to achieve success in tangible ways that are recognized in the external world—money, fame, power, status, or a rising stock price. Often their drive enables them to be professionally successful for a while, but they are unable to sustain that success. As they age, they may find something is missing in their lives and realize they are holding back from being the person they want to be. Knowing their authentic selves requires the courage and honesty to open up and examine their experiences. As they do so, leaders become more humane and willing to be vulnerable.

When the 75 members of Stanford Graduate School of Business’s Advisory Council were asked to recommend the most important capability for leaders to develop, their answer was nearly unanimous: self-awareness.



スタンフォード大学ビジネススクールのアドバイザリー・カウンシルのメンバー75人に、リーダーが身につけるべき最も重要な能力を尋ねたところ、ほぼ全員一致で「自己認識」という答えが返ってきました。    しかし、多くのリーダー、特にキャリアの浅い人たちは、世の中で自分を確立することに懸命で、自己探求のための時間をほとんどとっていないのが現状です。  彼らは、お金、名声、権力、地位、株価の上昇など、外界で認められる具体的な方法で成功を収めようと努力しています。   そのため、一時的にプロとして成功することはあっても、その成功を維持することができないことがよくあります。  年齢を重ねるにつれ、自分の人生に何かが欠けていることに気づき、なりたい自分になることを阻まれていることに気づくかもしれません。本当の自分を知るには、勇気をもって正直に自分の経験を振り返ることが必要です。そうすることで、リーダーはより人間的になり、弱くなることも厭わなくなります。


 Of all the leaders we interviewed, David Pottruck, former CEO of Charles Schwab, had one of the most persistent journeys to self-awareness. An all-league football player in high school, Pottruck became MVP of his college team at the University of Pennsylvania. After completing his MBA at Wharton and a stint with Citigroup, he joined Charles Schwab as head of marketing, moving from New York to San Francisco. An extremely hard worker, Pottruck could not understand why his new colleagues resented the long hours he put in and his aggressiveness in pushing for results. “I thought my accomplishments would speak for themselves,” he said. “It never occurred to me that my level of energy would intimidate and offend other people, because in my mind I was trying to help the company.”

Pottruck was shocked when his boss told him, “Dave, your colleagues do not trust you.” As he recalled, “That feedback was like a dagger to my heart. I was in denial, as I didn’t see myself as others saw me. I became a lightning rod for friction, but I had no idea how self-serving I looked to other people. Still, somewhere in my inner core the feedback resonated as true.” Pottruck realized that he could not succeed unless he identified and overcame his blind spots.



 Denial can be the greatest hurdle that leaders face in becoming self-aware.

Denial can be the greatest hurdle that leaders face in becoming self-aware. They all have egos that need to be stroked, insecurities that need to be smoothed, fears that need to be allayed. Authentic leaders realize that they have to be willing to listen to feedback—especially the kind they don’t want to hear. It was only after his second divorce that Pottruck finally was able to acknowledge that he still had large blind spots: “After my second marriage fell apart, I thought I had a wife-selection problem.” Then he worked with a counselor who delivered some hard truths: “The good news is you do not have a wife-selection problem; the bad news is you have a husband-behavior problem.” Pottruck then made a determined effort to change. As he described it, “I was like a guy who has had three heart attacks and finally realizes he has to quit smoking and lose some weight.”

These days Pottruck is happily remarried and listens carefully when his wife offers constructive feedback. He acknowledges that he falls back on his old habits at times, particularly in high stress situations, but now he has developed ways of coping with stress. “I have had enough success in life to have that foundation of self-respect, so I can take the criticism and not deny it. I have finally learned to tolerate my failures and disappointments and not beat myself up.”





 The values that form the basis for authentic leadership are derived from your beliefs and convictions, but you will not know what your true values are until they are tested under pressure. It is relatively easy to list your values and to live by them when things are going well. When your success, your career, or even your life hangs in the balance, you learn what is most important, what you are prepared to sacrifice, and what trade-offs you are willing to make.

Leadership principles are values translated into action. Having a solid base of values and testing them under fire enables you to develop the principles you will use in leading. For example, a value such as “concern for others” might be translated into a leadership principle such as “create a work environment where people are respected for their contributions, provided job security, and allowed to fulfill their potential.”

Consider Jon Huntsman, the founder and chairman of Huntsman Corporation. His moral values were deeply challenged when he worked for the Nixon administration in 1972, shortly before Watergate. After a brief stint in the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW), he took a job under H.R. Haldeman, President Nixon’s powerful chief of staff. Huntsman said he found the experience of taking orders from Haldeman “very mixed. I wasn’t geared to take orders, irrespective of whether they were ethically or morally right.” He explained, “We had a few clashes, as plenty of things that Haldeman wanted to do were questionable. An amoral atmosphere permeated the White House.”

One day, Haldeman directed Huntsman to help him entrap a California congressman who had been opposing a White House initiative. The congressman was part owner of a plant that reportedly employed undocumented workers. To gather information to embarrass the congressman, Haldeman told Huntsman to get the plant manager of a company Huntsman owned to place some undocumented workers at the congressman’s plant in an undercover operation.

“There are times when we react too quickly and fail to realize immediately what is right and wrong,” Huntsman recalled. “This was one of those times when I didn’t think it through. I knew instinctively it was wrong, but it took a few minutes for the notion to percolate. After 15 minutes, my inner moral compass made itself noticed and enabled me to recognize this wasn’t the right thing to do. Values that had accompanied me since childhood kicked in. Halfway through my conversation with our plant manager, I said to him, ‘Let’s not do this. I don’t want to play this game. Forget that I called.’”

Huntsman told Haldeman that he would not use his employees in this way. “Here I was saying no to the second most powerful person in the country. He didn’t appreciate responses like that, as he viewed them as signs of disloyalty. I might as well have been saying farewell. So be it. I left within the next six months.”

Balancing Your Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivations

Because authentic leaders need to sustain high levels of motivation and keep their lives in balance, it is critically important for them to understand what drives them. There are two types of motivations—extrinsic and intrinsic. Although they are reluctant to admit it, many leaders are propelled to achieve by measuring their success against the outside world’s parameters. They enjoy the recognition and status that come with promotions and financial rewards. Intrinsic motivations, on the other hand, are derived from their sense of the meaning of their life. They are closely linked to one’s life story and the way one frames it. Examples include personal growth, helping other people develop, taking on social causes, and making a difference in the world. The key is to find a balance between your desires for external validation and the intrinsic motivations that provide fulfillment in your work.

Many interviewees advised aspiring leaders to be wary of getting caught up in social, peer, or parental expectations. Debra Dunn, who has worked in Silicon Valley for decades as a Hewlett-Packard executive, acknowledged the constant pressures from external sources: “The path of accumulating material possessions is clearly laid out. You know how to measure it. If you don’t pursue that path, people wonder what is wrong with you. The only way to avoid getting caught up in materialism is to understand where you find happiness and fulfillment.”

Moving away from the external validation of personal achievement is not always easy. Achievement-oriented leaders grow so accustomed to successive accomplishments throughout their early years that it takes courage to pursue their intrinsic motivations. But at some point, most leaders recognize that they need to address more difficult questions in order to pursue truly meaningful success. McKinsey’s Alice Woodwark, who at 29 has already achieved notable success, reflected: “My version of achievement was pretty naive, born of things I learned early in life about praise and being valued. But if you’re just chasing the rabbit around the course, you’re not running toward anything meaningful.”

Intrinsic motivations are congruent with your values and are more fulfilling than extrinsic motivations. John Thain, CEO of the New York Stock Exchange, said, “I am motivated by doing a really good job at whatever I am doing, but I prefer to multiply my impact on society through a group of people.” Or as Ann Moore, chairman and CEO of Time, put it, “I came here 25 years ago solely because I loved magazines and the publishing world.” Moore had a dozen job offers after business school but took the lowest-paying one with Time because of her passion for publishing.







 "反応が早すぎて、何が正しくて何が間違っているのか、すぐに気付けないときがある "とハンツマンは振り返る。「このときも、よく考えずに行動してしまった。直感的に間違っていると思ったが、その考えが浸透するまでには数分かかった。15分もすると、私の内なる道徳心が目覚め、これは正しいことではないと認識することができたのです。子供の頃から持っていた価値観が働いたのだ。工場長との会話の途中で、私はこう言った。「こんなことはやめよう。こんなゲーム、やりたくない。電話したことは忘れろ』ってね」。




また、昇進や金銭的な報酬によってもたらされる評価や地位を享受しています。一方、内発的動機は、自分の人生の意義に由来するものです。この動機は、自分の人生のストーリーやその組み立て方と密接に関係しています。  例えば、自己成長、他人の成長を助けること、社会的な問題に取り組むこと、世の中を良くすることなどが挙げられます。重要なのは、外的な評価を得たいという欲求と、仕事にやりがいをもたらす内発的な動機とのバランスを見つけることです。



 Building Your Support Team

 Leaders cannot succeed on their own; even the most outwardly confident executives need support and advice. Without strong relationships to provide perspective, it is very easy to lose your way.


Authentic leaders build extraordinary support teams to help them stay on course. Those teams counsel them in times of uncertainty, help them in times of difficulty, and celebrate with them in times of success. After their hardest days, leaders find comfort in being with people on whom they can rely so they can be open and vulnerable. During the low points, they cherish the friends who appreciate them for who they are, not what they are. Authentic leaders find that their support teams provide affirmation, advice, perspective, and calls for course corrections when needed.


How do you go about building your support team? Most authentic leaders have a multifaceted support structure that includes their spouses or significant others, families, mentors, close friends, and colleagues. They build their networks over time, as the experiences, shared histories, and openness with people close to them create the trust and confidence they need in times of trial and uncertainty. Leaders must give as much to their supporters as they get from them so that mutually beneficial relationships can develop.


It starts with having at least one person in your life with whom you can be completely yourself, warts and all, and still be accepted unconditionally. Often that person is the only one who can tell you the honest truth. Most leaders have their closest relationships with their spouses, although some develop these bonds with another family member, a close friend, or a trusted mentor. When leaders can rely on unconditional support, they are more likely to accept themselves for who they really are.


Superior results over a sustained period of time is the ultimate mark of an authentic leader.


Many relationships grow over time through an expression of shared values and a common purpose. Randy Komisar of venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers said his marriage to Hewlett-Packard’s Debra Dunn is lasting because it is rooted in similar values. “Debra and I are very independent but extremely harmonious in terms of our personal aspirations, values, and principles. We have a strong resonance around questions like, ‘What is your legacy in this world?’ It is important to be in sync about what we do with our lives.”


Many leaders have had a mentor who changed their lives. The best mentoring interactions spark mutual learning, exploration of similar values, and shared enjoyment. If people are only looking for a leg up from their mentors, instead of being interested in their mentors’ lives as well, the relationships will not last for long. It is the two-way nature of the connection that sustains it.







どのようにサポートチームを作ればよいのでしょうか。本物のリーダーの多くは、配偶者、家族、メンター、親しい友人、同僚など、多面的なサポート体制 を持っています。彼らは、時間をかけてネットワークを構築し、身近な人々との経験、共有された歴史、そして率直さが、試練や不確実性の時代に必要な信頼と自信を生み出しているのです。リーダーは、支援者から得るものと同じくらい、支援者に与えるものも多く、相互に有益な関係を築かなければなりません。






多くの関係は、共通の価値観と共通の目的を表現することで、時間をかけて成長していきます。ベンチャーキャピタルのクライナー・パーキンス・コーフィールド&バイヤーズのランディ・コミサーは、ヒューレット・パッカードのデブラ・ダンとの結婚が長続きしているのは、同じような価値観に根ざしているからだと述べています。「デブラと私は非常に自立しているが、個人的な願望、価値観、原則という点では極めて調和がとれている。私たちは、"この世界におけるあなたの遺産は何か "といった問いをめぐって強く共鳴しているのです。自分の人生をどうするかについて、同調することが大切なのです」。




Personal and professional support groups can take many forms. Piper Jaffray’s Tad Piper is a member of an Alcoholics Anonymous group. He noted, “These are not CEOs. They are just a group of nice, hard-working people who are trying to stay sober, lead good lives, and work with each other about being open, honest, and vulnerable. We reinforce each other’s behavior by talking about our chemical dependency in a disciplined way as we go through the 12 steps. I feel blessed to be surrounded by people who are thinking about those kinds of issues and actually doing something, not just talking about them.”


Bill George’s experiences echo Piper’s: In 1974, he joined a men’s group that formed after a weekend retreat. More than 30 years later, the group is still meeting every Wednesday morning. After an opening period of catching up on each other’s lives and dealing with any particular difficulty someone may be facing, one of the group’s eight members leads a discussion on a topic he has selected. These discussions are open, probing, and often profound. The key to their success is that people say what they really believe without fear of judgment, criticism, or reprisal. All the members consider the group to be one of the most important aspects of their lives, enabling them to clarify their beliefs, values, and understanding of vital issues, as well as serving as a source of honest feedback when they need it most.


Integrating Your Life by Staying Grounded

Integrating their lives is one of the greatest challenges leaders face. To lead a balanced life, you need to bring together all of its constituent elements—work, family, community, and friends—so that you can be the same person in each environment. Think of your life as a house, with a bedroom for your personal life, a study for your professional life, a family room for your family, and a living room to share with your friends. Can you knock down the walls between these rooms and be the same person in each of them?


Think of your life as a house. Can you knock down the walls between the rooms and be the same person in each of them?


As John Donahoe, president of eBay Marketplaces and former worldwide managing director of Bain, stressed, being authentic means maintaining a sense of self no matter where you are. He warned, “The world can shape you if you let it. To have a sense of yourself as you live, you must make conscious choices. Sometimes the choices are really hard, and you make a lot of mistakes.”


Authentic leaders have a steady and confident presence. They do not show up as one person one day and another person the next. Integration takes discipline, particularly during stressful times when it is easy to become reactive and slip back into bad habits. Donahoe feels strongly that integrating his life has enabled him to become a more effective leader. “There is no nirvana,” he said. “The struggle is constant, as the trade-offs don’t get any easier as you get older.” But for authentic leaders, personal and professional lives are not a zero-sum game. As Donahoe said, “I have no doubt today that my children have made me a far more effective leader in the workplace. Having a strong personal life has made the difference.”


Leading is high-stress work. There is no way to avoid stress when you are responsible for people, organizations, outcomes, and managing the constant uncertainties of the environment. The higher you go, the greater your freedom to control your destiny but also the higher the degree of stress. The question is not whether you can avoid stress but how you can control it to maintain your own sense of equilibrium.


Authentic leaders are constantly aware of the importance of staying grounded. Besides spending time with their families and close friends, authentic leaders get physical exercise, engage in spiritual practices, do community service, and return to the places where they grew up. All are essential to their effectiveness as leaders, enabling them to sustain their authenticity.










eBay Marketplacesの社長で、元Bainのワールドワイドマネージングディレクターであるジョン・ドナホーは、「本物であるということは、どこにいても自分らしさを保つことだ」と強調しました。世界は、あなたがそうさせるなら、あなたを形作ることができる」と警告しています。自分らしさを保つには、意識的な選択が必要です。その選択は、時には本当に難しく、多くの失敗をするものです。








Empowering People to Lead


Now that we have discussed the process of discovering your authentic leadership, let’s look at how authentic leaders empower people in their organizations to achieve superior long-term results, which is the bottom line for all leaders.

Authentic leaders recognize that leadership is not about their success or about getting loyal subordinates to follow them. They know the key to a successful organization is having empowered leaders at all levels, including those who have no direct reports. They not only inspire those around them, they empower those individuals to step up and lead.


A reputation for building relationships and empowering people was instrumental in chairman and CEO Anne Mulcahy’s stunning turnaround of Xerox. When Mulcahy was asked to take the company’s reins from her failed predecessor, Xerox had $18 billion in debt, and all credit lines were exhausted. With the share price in free fall, morale was at an all-time low. To make matters worse, the SEC was investigating the company’s revenue recognition practices.


Mulcahy’s appointment came as a surprise to everyone—including Mulcahy herself. A Xerox veteran, she had worked in field sales and on the corporate staff for 25 years, but not in finance, R&D, or manufacturing. How could Mulcahy cope with this crisis when she had had no financial experience? She brought to the CEO role the relationships she had built over 25 years, an impeccable understanding of the organization, and, above all, her credibility as an authentic leader. She bled for Xerox, and everyone knew it. Because of that, they were willing to go the extra mile for her.


After her appointment, Mulcahy met personally with the company’s top 100 executives to ask them if they would stay with the company despite the challenges ahead. “I knew there were people who weren’t supportive of me,” she said. “So I confronted a couple of them and said, ‘This is about the company.’” The first two people Mulcahy talked with, both of whom ran big operating units, decided to leave, but the remaining 98 committed to stay.



さて、ここまで、自分の本物のリーダーシップを発見するプロセスについて述べてきましたが、次に、本物の リーダーは、どのようにして、組織内の人々に力を与え、長期的に優れた成果を達成することができるのか、見てみま しょう。

本物のリーダーは、リーダーシップとは、自分の成功のためでも、忠実な部下を従わせるためでもない ことを認識しています。組織を成功に導く鍵は、直属の部下を持たないリーダーを含む、あらゆるレベルのリーダーに権限を与えることだと知っているのです。彼らは、周囲の人々にインスピレーションを与えるだけでなく、そのような人々がステップアップしてリードする力を与えるのです。






マッカヒは、就任後、会社のトップ100人に会い、「この先、困難があっても会社に残るか」と尋ねた。「私のことをよく思っていない人がいることは分かっていました。だから、そのうちの何人かと向き合って、"これは会社のことなんだ "と言ったんです」。マルケイビーが最初に話した2人は、大きな事業部を経営しており、退職を決意したが、残りの98人は残留を約束した。


Throughout the crisis, people in Xerox were empowered by Mulcahy to step up and lead in order to restore the company to its former greatness. In the end, her leadership enabled Xerox to avoid bankruptcy as she paid back $10 billion in debt and restored revenue growth and profitability with a combination of cost savings and innovative new products. The stock price tripled as a result.• • •


Like Mulcahy, all leaders have to deliver bottom-line results. By creating a virtuous circle in which the results reinforce the effectiveness of their leadership, authentic leaders are able to sustain those results through good times and bad. Their success enables them to attract talented people and align employees’ activities with shared goals, as they empower others on their team to lead by taking on greater challenges. Indeed, superior results over a sustained period of time is the ultimate mark of an authentic leader. It may be possible to drive short-term outcomes without being authentic, but authentic leadership is the only way we know to create sustainable long-term results.


For authentic leaders, there are special rewards. No individual achievement can equal the pleasure of leading a group of people to achieve a worthy goal. When you cross the finish line together, all the pain and suffering you may have experienced quickly vanishes. It is replaced by a deep inner satisfaction that you have empowered others and thus made the world a better place. That’s the challenge and the fulfillment of authentic leadership.



マルケイと同じように、すべてのリーダーはボトムラインの結果を出さなければならない。そして、その結果がリーダーシップの有効性を補強するという好循環を生み出すことで、本物のリーダー は、好不況を問わず、その成果を持続させることができるのです。その結果、優秀な人材が集まり、従業員の行動も目標に一致させることができ、また、チーム内の他の従業員もより大きな課題に挑戦し、リーダーシップを発揮することができるようになります。このように、長期にわたって優れた成果を上げ続けることが、本物のリーダーの証です。短期的な成果を上げることはできても、長期的な成果を上げるには、本物のリーダーシップしかないのです。




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