
#tips 仕事のパフォーマンスを向上させるには、運動を取り入れよう


#tips  仕事のパフォーマンスを向上させるには、運動を取り入れよう

by Bonnie Hayden Cheng and Yolanda Na Li





To Improve Your Work Performance, Get Some Exercise

by Bonnie Hayden Cheng and Yolanda Na Li



Although the benefits of physical activity on general well-being are widely acknowledged, there has been a lack of research on how it impacts outcomes at work, including job performance and health. Approximately 200 employees from the UK and China participated in a 10-day study in which the authors captured self-reported and objective physical activity data (via a wearable smart band device), as well as self- and supervisor-reported work outcomes. They uncovered some noteworthy findings about daily physical activity that impact employees and organizations, as well as a few research-backed ways to reap the many benefits of increasing your physical activity. HBR


#management tips  “Change- 30 How Physical Activity Affects Work Performance and Personnel Issues 身体活動が仕事のパフォーマンスと人事問題に与える影響






#Reflection (introspection & self-examination)Self-reflection


Physical activity not only shapes the body but also molds the dynamics of a team, bridging efficiency and harmony in the workplace. - – AesQui


- 映希 エスキー



"Through my daily activities, how can I personally improve teamwork and communication in the workplace?"



With heartfelt gratitude,

Thank you very much. Have a great day today!





May you encounter many beautiful moments in your life. あなたに、素敵な事が沢山ありますように。 

"Let's change our words and actions slightly, to something new."




CopyrightKeiko Mizuno Keisho.GlobalResourceManagement,,INC (https://spacesinc.webnode.jp/) info@keishogrm.com SPACES, INC. Use English in your daily life 英語を身近に使いましょう你生活中的一部分。Thank you for reading today.お読みいただいてありがとうございます。今天的閱讀謝謝你。Behave smart and beautiful!! Moving forward with you.より美的健康を創造しよう、ご一緒に 一起造更美健康的生活。This email contains information about Scientific evidence, SPACES’s research, insights, services, or events. このメールには、科学的 に証明されたエビデンス、スぺシーズのリサーチ、インサイト、サービス、イベントなどに関する情報が含まれています。件包含有关科学据、SPACES的研究、解、服或活的信息#coaching #counselling #compassion #アジャイル #motivation #leadership #growth mind-set #innovation #technology#透明性と情報開示の組織文化への影響 #brain #emotional intelligence #competency #shin-competency #シン・コンピテンシー #change Copyright(C)2023 敬章・グローバルリソースマネジメント株式会社 掲載記事を許可なく転載することを禁じます。

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