
GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES 10 全球美徳倫One Word a Day: Global virtue ethics “こころで人を動かす”考働:一日一語 Matters of health, October 12, 2023 令和5年10月12日 next change-Shin-competency


Matters of health, October 12, 2023  令和5年1012日 next change-Shin-competency





Thank you always for faithfully reading GBT. In this GBT, we provide valuable information capturing the latest trends, especially for those of you dedicated to nurturing business leaders on the global stage.



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#management tips   Is Your Career Consistent with Your Values?

One of the hardest questions any working person can ask themselves is: Am I pursuing a career that allows me to live out my values? Here are three steps you can take to answer that question and begin to build a career that aligns with your deepest priorities.


First, tune into revelations about the morality of your work. Have you ever felt misaligned with your organization, its goals, or its processes? Resist the urge to ignore these moments, and investigate your discomfort instead.


Then, identify and question the trade-offs you’re making in your career. For example, you may be pursuing a morally “pure” career at the expense of salary, work-life balance, or personal relationships. Or you might be working a high-paying job at the expense of your moral code. If you sense an imbalance in either direction, it could be a sign that your career is no longer serving your values.


Finally, seek out communities that share your values. One of the hardest parts about changing your career is fearing social disapproval from colleagues with whom you no longer align. So turn to other relationships that will reinforce your value system and support you in your transition.




















#mindset  自己理解を深めるマインドセット



1.        オープンマインド: 新しい情報や異なる視点を受け入れる姿勢を持つことは、自分の内面や信念を再評価する上で非常に役立ちます。

質問 - 今日私はどのような新しい考え方や視点に出会ったか?それに対して、どのような反応をしたのか?


2.        自己受容:  完璧を求めず、自分の長所と短所を認めることが、自己認識を深める第一歩です。

質問 - 今日、私のどの行動や考えが自分の強みや弱点を反映していたか?


3.        好奇心を持つ: 自分に関する疑問を持ち続けることで、自己理解が進むでしょう。

質問 - 今日、私が学びたいと感じたことは何か?それはなぜ興味を持ったのか?


4.        反省・内省: 日常の終わりに、その日の出来事や感じたことを振り返る時間を持つことで、自己理解を深めることができます。

質問 - 今日の終わりに、最も印象的だった出来事や感情は何だったか?


5.        感情の認識: 感情は我々の内面の鏡であり、それに注意を払うことで自己認識が深まります。

- 今日、どのような感情を最も強く感じたか?その感情の原因は何だったのか?


6.        フィードバックを受け入れる: 他人からの意見やフィードバックを受け入れることで、自分が気づかない部分を知ることができます。

-  最後に他人から受けたフィードバックは何だったか?それに対して、どのような感じを持ったのか?


7.        成長マインドセット: 困難や失敗も成長の一部と捉え、それを乗り越えることで自己認識や自己理解を深める材料とする考え方。

- 今日、私が直面した困難や失敗を振り返ると、その経験から学べることは何か?


8.        自分との対話: 瞑想やジャーナリングを通じて、自分の内面と向き合う時間を持つことが重要です。

- 今日、私が自分自身に問いかけたり、内省する時間を持った時、何を感じたか?






#mindset to deepen self-understanding

To enhance self-understanding and self-awareness, having the right mindset is a crucial step in building a deeper and sincere relationship with oneself. Here are some mindsets and perspectives for this purpose:


Open-mindedness: Embracing new information and different viewpoints can be invaluable in reassessing your own beliefs and inner thoughts.

Question - What new perspectives or ways of thinking did I encounter today? How did I react to them?


Self-acceptance: Recognizing both your strengths and weaknesses without striving for perfection is the first step to deepen self-awareness.

Question - Which of my actions or thoughts today reflected my strengths or weaknesses?


Curiosity: Continually questioning oneself will likely further self-understanding.

Question - What did I feel curious about today? Why was I interested in it?


Reflection & introspection: Taking time at the end of the day to reflect on the day's events and feelings can enhance self-understanding.

Question - At the end of today, what event or emotion stood out the most?


Emotion recognition: Emotions are mirrors of our inner state, and paying attention to them deepens self-awareness.

Question - What emotion did I feel the strongest today? What caused that emotion?


Accepting feedback: Embracing feedback and opinions from others helps us recognize the parts of ourselves that we might not be aware of.

Question - What was the last feedback I received from someone? How did I feel about it?


Growth mindset: Viewing challenges and failures as parts of growth provides material to deepen self-awareness and understanding.

Question - Looking back on the challenges or failures I faced today, what can I learn from those experiences?


Dialogue with oneself: Taking time to face your inner self through meditation or journaling is vital.

Question - When I took the time to introspect or question myself today, what did I feel?


Regularly and habitually posing these questions to oneself will surely aid in deepening self-understanding and self-awareness.


Journaling is the habit of regularly documenting one's thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Its benefits and purposes include enhancing self-awareness, organizing emotions, aiding in problem-solving, and recording personal growth.





开放心: 接受新信息和不同的于重新估您的信仰和内心思考非常有价

问题 - 今天我遇到了什么新的点或思考方式?我的反是什么?


自我接受: 不追求完美,认识到自己的长处和短是加深自我知的第一步。

问题 - 今天我的哪些行或思考反映了我的长处或短


好奇心: 疑自己可能会一步加深自我理解。

问题 - 今天我什么感到好奇?我什么此感兴趣?


反思与内省: 在一天时间回想当天的事件和情感可以增强自我理解。

问题 - 今天,哪个事件或情感最突出?


情感认识: 情感是我内在状子,关注它可以加深自我知。

问题 - 今天我最强烈地感受到了什么情感?是什么引起了那种情感?


接受反: 接受他人的反和意有助于我们认识到自己可能没有意到的部分。

问题 - 我从他人那里收到的最后一条反是什么?我此有什么感


: 将挑和失败视为的一部分加深自我知和理解提供了材料。

问题 - 今天我面的挑或失,我可以从经验中学到什么?


与自己对话: 冥想或写日与自己的内在对话是至关重要的。

问题 - 当我今天花时间反省或疑自己,我感受到了什么?







#quote #名言 #格言

"True fulfillment in a career comes not from success, but from aligning what you do with who you truly are." - AesQui


(キャリアにおける真の達成感は、成功からではなく、あなたが本当になりたい自分と合致する仕事を選ぶことによって得られる。- 映希 エスキー)


#自問自答への問い #QuestionsForSelfReflection  #自我反思的问题

"Am I pursuing success in my current job or activities in a way that truly reflects who I am?"






With heartfelt gratitude,

Thank you very much. Have a great day today!





May you encounter many beautiful moments in your life. あなたに、素敵な事が沢山ありますように。 

"Let's change our words and actions slightly, to something new."




CopyrightKeiko Mizuno Keisho.GlobalResourceManagement,,INC (https://spacesinc.webnode.jp/) info@keishogrm.com SPACES, INC. Use English in your daily life 英語を身近に使いましょう你生活中的一部分。Thank you for reading today.お読みいただいてありがとうございます。今天的閱讀謝謝你。Behave smart and beautiful!! Moving forward with you.より美的健康を創造しよう、ご一緒に 一起造更美健康的生活。This email contains information about Scientific evidence, SPACES’s research, insights, services, or events. このメールには、科学的 に証明されたエビデンス、スぺシーズのリサーチ、インサイト、サービス、イベントなどに関する情報が含まれています。件包含有关科学据、SPACES的研究、解、服或活的信息#coaching #counselling #compassion #アジャイル #motivation #leadership #growth mind-set #innovation #technology#透明性と情報開示の組織文化への影響 #brain #emotional intelligence #competency #shin-competency #シン・コンピテンシー #change Copyright(C)2023 敬章・グローバルリソースマネジメント株式会社 掲載記事を許可なく転載することを禁じます。

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