
November 8, 2021 The end-of-year stretch is an opportune time for reflection. 輝いてこそ、あなた!

 Matters of health _ November 8, 2021(月) 令和3年11月8日(月)

輝いてこそ、あなた!Performance LearningⓇ[自己の価値を上げる方法]is our company training method感性(5感)を削ぎ澄まし、すべての人に強い輝きとエネルギーを!人を動かす考働365 人間として成長に繋がる言葉Innovation and Creative, to vision happen with company and each people.

November 7, 2021The end-of-year stretch is an opportune time for reflection. Which habits are you leaving behind, and which are you taking with you into the new year? Whether you're looking to develop your own growth mindset or integrate it into your organization's culture, one thing’s for sure: learning and adaptability are fundamental to growth. Explore these insights to discover ways to master these skills in an era of uncertainty, and understand how to: build adaptability as an evergreen skill, put intentional learning into practice, create a learning culture within your organization, stay grounded when the only constant is change.

#well-being: Practice well-being as a foundational skill
Just when leaders need fresh thinking and decisiveness, they tend to fall back on tried-and-true ways. Five actions can transform your relationship with uncertainty and help you thrive. リーダーは、新鮮な発想と決断力が必要なときに、試行錯誤の方法に陥りがちです。不確実性との関係を変え、成功へと導くための5つのアクションをご紹介します。 

Gentleness: Be very gentle with yourself at this time. Surround yourself with gentle people, situations, and environments. 優しさ。この時期、自分にとても優しくしてください。 優しい人、状況、環境に囲まれましょう。

#At a glance
The reason you don’t have time is because you don’t have the courage to make the decision to refuse.
You are the only one who can protect your time.

You can only make time to concentrate on the things that are important to you and to spend time with the people you care about, if you have the courage to make the decision.

Don’t forget to say no. You have something to lose, but you also have something to gain from your courage.

#One point ☚ パワフルな問い:自己肯定感を高め、成長思考を高める(DX Marketing)
When is the best time to make a request?

#Key Benefits:Resilience 強くしなやかな、こころを育てる人間教育

How people—not just policies—make or break inclusive workplaces
Recent and urgent reckonings about race and sexual harassment have brought diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) front of mind for employers. 人種やセクシャルハラスメントに関する最近の緊急の見直しにより、雇用者にとってダイバーシティ、エクイティ、インクルージョン(DE&I)が最重要課題になっています。
Most importantly, though, is that organizations are recognizing that pursuing DE&I is the right thing to do for society.最も重要なことは、DE&Iを追求することが社会にとって正しいことであると企業が認識していることです。

Company-wide policies are a vital component to achieve DE&I, but they alone are insufficient to foster high levels of inclusion. Our research finds that there are three key relationships that shape inclusion for employees: organizational systems, leaders, and peers/teammates. 

Organizational systems are “table stakes” 組織体制は“テーブルステークス”

Policies and practices to create a welcoming culture free from discrimination are now considered “table stakes.” Systems that help establish fair employee decisions, equal access to resources, a sense of teamwork, protection from mistreatment, work-life balance, and the ability to bring authentic selves to work are becoming increasingly expected by employees and considered the bare minimum.

The importance of these systems cannot be downplayed. For example, a 2006 review by Dr. Alexandra Kaley and colleagues shows that institutional DE&I initiatives generally succeed in boosting the representation of women and minority racial/ethnic group members into management. However, simply having these systems is not enough. To be effective, organizations must execute on them through leadership support, peer/teammate allyship, and broad accountability.
これらの制度の重要性を軽視することはできません。例えば、Alexandra Kaley博士らが2006年に発表したレビューによると、組織的なDE&Iの取り組みは、一般的に女性やマイノリティの人種・民族グループのメンバーの管理職への登用を促進することに成功しています。しかし、このようなシステムを持つだけでは十分ではない。効果を上げるためには、リーダーシップによるサポート、仲間との協力関係、幅広い説明責任を通じて、組織がこれらを実行する必要があります。

Inclusion relies on interpersonal relationships 

While organizational systems to facilitate inclusion are essential, employees may interact with them infrequently and those interactions tend to be quite impersonal. It is instead the daily behaviors by, and personal interactions with, leaders and peers/teammates that make or break inclusive workplaces.

Our research shows that when employees experience inclusive behaviors from their leaders (e.g., mentorship, impartial treatment, advocacy, team building, encouragement in decision making) and peers/teammates (e.g., allyship, empowerment and support, genuine concern, mutual respect, integration of diverse ideas), they are more likely to report feeling included at work regardless of whether their organization has any formal inclusion systems in place.

Inversely, when interpersonal interactions are hostile, harassing, abusive, or undermining (e.g., overt and subtle microaggressions), there is a serious and impending threat to inclusion.

Take the example of a North American energy company that was struggling to execute its DE&I commitments. Our inclusion assessment revealed that while their systems supported inclusion, leaders did not openly support or encourage employees to take advantage of inclusive policies.

As a result, minority-group employees viewed inclusion systems as just an empty “ticking-the-box” exercise.

In response, the company introduced a new competency model related to inclusive leadership and tied yearly bonuses to improving inclusion.

The “table stakes” systems set the foundation for inclusion, but it took shifting leadership behaviors and relationships between leaders and employees to truly move the needle.

Conclusion 結論
Slogans, policies, trainings, fancy marketing, or communication campaigns alone do not create inclusion. Inclusion comes by also changing how employees and leaders behave toward each other, designing supporting organizational systems, and actively encouraging employees to leverage these systems.

To make meaningful shifts in interpersonal relationships, employees must understand how their behaviors contribute to or detract from inclusion and then adopt easy, concrete ways to act differently.

Our next post in this series will cover the key behaviors peers/teammates, leaders, and systems can enact to foster inclusion.

May you have many wonderful things in your life.
Try lots of new things. 新しい経験をたくさんしよう。

Behave smart and beautiful!! Moving forward with you. より美的健康を創造しよう、ご一緒に感謝と笑顔を忘れずに、、、朝晩も冷えますのでどうぞご自愛くださいませ。

11月23日(火)13時45分~14時15分 Live配信致します。

Copyright Ⓒ 2021 I Keishogrm, Inc. 5-2-18, Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-0073, Japan
Use English in your daily life 英語を身近に使いましょう Thank you for reading today.お読みいただいてありがとうございました。Thank you for your support and I hope you‘ll good it! 今日も共に顔晴りましょう!!!KEIKO Mizuno 水野敬子 SPACES,INC (webnode.jp) ⒸSPACES,Inc. info@keishogrm.com
This email contains information about Scientific evidence, SPACES’s research, insights, services, or events. このメールには、科学的に証明されたエビデンス、スぺ―シーズのリサーチ、インサイト、サービス、イベントなどに関する情報が含まれています。

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