
Are you an adaptive leader?GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES 9 全球美徳倫 “こころで人を動かす”考働:一日一語  Matters of health, September 5, 2022(Monday) 令和4年9月5日(月曜日) 

GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES 9 全球美徳倫 “こころで人を動かす”考働:一日一語 

Matters of health, September 5, 2022(Monday) 令和4年9月5日(月曜日) 

Thank you for your time for reading.

#What‘s Up!  _  What's the first thing you do in the morning?
世界的な大流行によって、CEOはリーダーシップのあり方に4つの変化をもたらし、企業と社会の双方に大きな可能性をもたらしています。 このユニークな機会を生かすのか、それとも過去のやり方に戻るのか?
Challenged by the global pandemic, CEOs have made four shifts in the way they lead that hold great promise for both companies and society. Will they build on this unique moment, or return to the ways of the past?

Aspire 10x higher
The global health crisis and its resulting business dislocations have unlocked change at a pace and magnitude that has made even the boldest and most progressive of CEOs question their assumptions. From what we have observed, there are at least two related areas that are ripe for innovation: goal setting and the operating model.

- 危機を乗り越えて、どのような仲間とのネットワークを継続・構築すべきか(特に、類似しているが同じではない状況下にある仲間)?
- また、他のCEOと交流する際に、どのようにすればこれらの条件を満たすことができるでしょうか?
- ロールモデルを作るだけでなく、シニアチームや他のリーダーたちに、業界を超えた同業者とのネットワークを充実させ、学びの速度を高めるにはどうすればよいか?
The following five strategic ways of thinking are to review leadership.
1.Think bigger and faster
2.Zero-base how work gets done.
3.Decide what you really believe
4.Once you have made the decision, make it happen
5.Harness the real power of peer networks
- What peer networks should I continue or create beyond the crisis (in particular, those in analogous but not identical situations)?
- What makes for a valuable peer interaction, and how can I ensure that these conditions are in place when I interact with other CEOs?
- Beyond role modeling, how can I encourage my senior team and other leaders to enrich their own networks and the velocity of learnings with their peers across industries?
Leverage networks to tackle a broad set of issues


10 倍の目標、あるいは 10 倍のスピードを達成するために必要なことは何だろうか?

Other questions for CEOs to reflect on to help calibrate their aspirations include:

Where should we be aspiring 10x higher and/or 10x faster?
What beliefs or long-held assumptions do I need to explicitly reset in the organization and with stakeholders to achieve this?
What do we say no to, or stop doing, to create the additional space to go bigger and faster?

The COVID-19 experience has made it clearer than ever that CEOs must be extremely intentional about how they use their time. Many have adapted by booking “flight time” into their schedule so as to avoid spending all day, every day, on videoconference meetings.

to be」を「to do」と同じレベルまで高める


Elevate ‘to be’ to the same level as ‘to do’
In a moment of crisis, everyone looks to their leader. CEOs have felt this acutely during the pandemic. David Schwimmer, CEO of London Stock Exchange Group, says, “People are looking to me for a different kind of leadership. In a normal environment, it’s about business leadership and setting up strategy, as well as culture and people decisions. In this environment, it’s about helping people maintain morale. It’s about people being prepared for whatever may come in the face of uncertainty.” As a result, leaders have shown up differently and have starting using a different lens to take notice of how members of their senior team show up. We see both of these areas as candidates for permanent change in the future.


おそらく、CEOがどのように違う姿を見せているかで最も顕著な特徴は、より人間らしさを見せていることでしょう。アメリヘル・カリタスのCEOであるポール・トゥファノは、次のように説明しています。「この時期は不確実性と恐怖が続いていますが、同時に、より強く、結束力のある、意欲的な労働力を形成する絶好の機会でもあります。 CEOが聖職者のような役割を果たし、バーチャルに手を差し伸べ、人々がどこにいるのか真に耳を傾け、関わり、つながることができれば、人々を鼓舞し、会社内の絆と忠誠心を強める大きな可能性があります" と述べています。また、MAFのCEOであるアラン・ベジャニ氏は、「あなたが率いる人々は、あなたに大きな期待を寄せています。  あなたが率いる人々は、あなたに大きな期待を寄せており、しばしばあなたが人間であることを忘れてしまいます。しかし、あなたが人間的であればあるほど、彼らはあなたに対して信頼と共感を示すようになるのです。彼らはあなたをよりよく理解します。そうすれば、人々はあなたに疑いの目を向けるようになり、あなたはより多くのことができるようになるのです。

Deliberately choose ‘how I show up’

Perhaps the most notable feature of how CEOs are showing up differently is that they are showing more of their humanity. As Paul Tufano, CEO of AmeriHealth Caritas, explains, “This has been a sustained period of uncertainty and fear, but also a great opportunity to forge a stronger, more cohesive and motivated workforce. If CEOs can step into a ministerial role—extending hands virtually, truly listening, relating to and connecting with people where they are—there is enormous potential to inspire people and strengthen bonds and loyalties within the company.” Adds Alain Bejjani, CEO of MAF, “The people you are leading have big expectations of you. They want you to be perfect and often forget that you are human. But the more human you are with them, the more trust and empathy they lend to you. They understand you better. That gives you the ability to do so much more, as people give you the benefit of the doubt.”


今後、「to be」リストを「to do」リストと同じように厳格に管理する機会はあるのだろうか。

By reflecting on the following questions, CEOs can use this moment as an opportunity to recalibrate how they show up every day:

What qualities am I bringing to being and showing up today that I should continue to bring into the future?
Going forward, is there an opportunity for me to manage a “to be” list with the same rigor as my “to do” list?
How, practically, should I hold myself accountable? How will I ensure that others help hold me accountable?


危機の中でCEOの "being "な側面が前面に出てきたように、組織の他のリーダーにも同じことが言えます。ベライゾン・コミュニケーションズのCEOであるハンス・ヴェストバーグは、最近開催されたトップ300の経営会議で、危機的状況にあった過去3カ月間の自分の時間の使い方とエネルギーの変化を示すビジュアルを披露しました。もし、私が落ち込んでいたら、リーダーとしての唯一の財産を活かせていないことになります。そして、私にも他の人と同じように悪い日があります。私はリーダーたちに、「自分の得意なことを知るために自己分析をし、自分のリーダーシップの中でそれを倍増させる必要がある」と伝えています。

今後ますます重要になる "being "属性を強化するために、私は短期的にどのような行動をとるべきでしょうか?

Recalibrate how I expect leaders and employees to show up

Just as the “being” side of the CEO has come to the fore during the crisis, the same is true for other leaders in the organization. At his recent top-300 executive meeting, Verizon Communications CEO Hans Vestberg shared a visual showing how he’s spent his time over the past three months during the crisis and how his energy has changed: “Ultimately, my job is to give energy, empowerment, and vision to the organization. If I’m down, I’m not really using the only asset I have as a leader. And I have bad days like anybody else. I tell my leaders, ‘You need to self-assess so you know what you’re good at, and double down on that in your own leadership.’”

What will I look for differently in leaders as a result of what I’ve learned during the pandemic?
What actions should I take in the near term to reinforce what “being” attributes will be of elevated importance going forward?
How can these attributes be hardwired into our people model to ensure they are institutionalized in how we develop, reward, and promote?



Fully embrace stakeholder capitalism

Over the past few years, many CEOs have begun to embrace the idea that their companies’ obligations to shareholders should not come at the expense of other stakeholders—that is, employees, customers, the community, suppliers, and society. The most public affirmation of the idea came just last summer, when 181 CEOs committed to the idea by signing on to the US Business Roundtable’s “Statement on the purpose of a corporation.” The pandemic has brought this issue to the fore in powerful ways, prompting many CEOs to gut check what they really believe and take action accordingly—something we believe all CEOs would benefit from, given the moment at hand.





On what stakeholders should I explicitly recalibrate my personal focus and our company’s overall focus?

How would I convince my shareholders that the long-term benefits of shifting the company’s focus outweighs the short-terms costs?

Do my answers to the questions above implicitly show that I’m not yet ready to embrace stakeholder capitalism, and, if so, what is holding me back from having true conviction?

Based on the stakeholder interests that I need to recalibrate, what practically must look different in the next six, 12, and 18 months (including the frequency and nature of interactions, management processes, and resource allocation)?
How and when will I reset expectations with my shareholders?
How will we measure progress as we transition?

Here’s one of the most noteworthy changes we have seen during the pandemic: CEOs are talking to one another much more and are seeking to do so at a much greater rate. Says Lance Fritz, “Two months ago, the business community was thinking, ‘If we don’t figure out a thoughtful path, we could wallow in this for a long, long time.’ So CEOs started thinking, ‘Let’s learn from each other. Let’s hold hands.’ There’s even a little bit of commiseration. I haven’t put enough value on the ability to be with a couple of other CEOs on one of these Zoom calls, or on the phone, and talk about any number of things that are unique that you can’t talk to anybody else about.” We believe that having CEOs spend more time laterally will prove useful not only for responding to the current pandemic, but also for addressing emergent issues and unlocking higher levels of business performance, innovation, and multistakeholder impact in an ever more complex and uncertain world.

#生命の言葉 Today’s wisdom




On what issues has peer connectivity most benefited my business, now and in the future?
On what societal issues (such as inequity and racism, climate change, porous social safety nets, weakened healthcare systems) should peer connectivity be directed, and how can I maintain the same level of intensity that I did during the pandemic?
What issues will I take personal leadership on and convene others around?







How to be an adaptive leader

In the face of disruption, it’s important for leaders to look beyond solving immediate challenges; they must also identify root causes, course correct, and anticipate future needs.

For leaders, adaptability is the critical success factor during periods of transformation and systemic change. Are you an adaptive leader? Explore these insights on ways leaders can invest in adaptability to prepare for a fast-paced and uncertain future.


COVID-19 has brought with it a pressurized operating environment the likes of which few of today’s CEOs have ever experienced. It has necessitated a reappraisal of how much is possible and in what time frames. It has forced personal disclosure at levels previously considered uncomfortable and, in doing so, has increased awareness of the importance of how leaders show up personally. It has shined a light on the interconnectivity of stakeholder concerns. It has prompted a level of substance-based, peer-to-peer CEO interaction that has elevated all involved. Ultimately, it has “unfrozen” many aspects of the CEO role, making possible a re-fusing of new and existing elements that could define the CEO role of the future.

When the pressure decreases, will CEOs go back to operating as they did before? Or will the role at the top be thoughtfully reconsidered and reconceived by those who occupy it? Clearly, not every CEO will choose to make permanent the four shifts we’ve discussed. The more that CEOs do, however, the more the moment has the potential to become a movement—one that could create higher-achieving, more purposeful, more humane, and better-connected leaders. Judging by the evolution underway, many companies and societies stand to benefit.

Thanks for reading—and be well,
Keiko Mizuno 水野敬子






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Thank you for your support and I hope you‘ll good it! 
May you have any wonderful time in your life. 
そして Try lots of new things. 新しい経験をたくさんしよう。

Copyright Ⓒ Keiko Mizuno SPACES,INC (webnode.jp) info@keishogrm.com Use English in your daily life 英語を身近に使いましょうThank you for reading today.お読みいただいてありがとうございます。Behave smart and beautiful!! Moving forward with you.より美的健康を創造しよう、ご一緒に This email contains information about Scientific evidence, SPACES’s research, insights, services, or events. このメールには、科学的 に証明されたエビデンス、スぺ―シーズのリサーチ、インサイト、サービス、イベントなどに関する情報が含まれています。

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