
The Essence of life - Medical Detox : Life is a series of choices

To all of our valued friends and customers,

No matter what is the essence of life, we must feel and choose the truth with our heart.

Do not try to understand, but feel the truth.

You do not need to understand what is important for you, because it is inside you.

Life is a series of choices, as said by Shakespeare.

You are making choices each and every time, all the time in your life.

In other words, your life is up to you.

Our future is connected to this instance.

A strong future consists of a series of strong individual instances.

That is, if you live this moment greatly, your next moment will be greater.

Your future is up to you…

I wish that what I write on a whim will serve as a mirror to reflect “your true self” as a person living life to the fullest and as a clue to help discover the most precious jewelry capable of making you shine.

From KEIKO with love and thanks

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