
"What we do today, right now, will have an accumulated effect on all of our tomorrows." - Gro Harlem Brundtland

 GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES  全球美徳倫One Word a Day: Global virtue ethics



Global Beauty Times 365 – 全球领导917 Matters of health, February 19, 2024 令和6219日(月)

#Overcoming Overthinking

Overthinking can take three forms: rumination, overanalyzing, and future tripping. Here’s how to spot and handle each one—before they cause you to spiral, stress, and ultimately burn out.


Rumination. This is a mental loop where you dwell on past events, particularly negative or distressing ones. If you tend to fixate on negative feedback, bring up past failures in conversation with others, or you’re overly cautious about work, you might be a ruminator. To diffuse your rumination, set aside 15 to 30 minutes to grapple with these negative thoughts. This will help you compartmentalize and stop yourself from ruminating constantly throughout the day.


Overanalyzing. Procrastinating, over-relying on others’ approval, and experiencing difficulty prioritizing are all tendencies of overanalyzers. To break the cycle, shift your aim from “perfect” to “good enough.”


Future tripping. If you spend excessive energy planning for every possible scenario, or you find it hard to celebrate your successes because you’re always thinking about what’s next, you’re likely a future tripper. To address it, use your forward-looking tendencies to your advantage by projecting yourself into a future where the stress of this moment is behind you.




















#The frequency and importance of using various ways of thinking significantly vary depending on the specific industry, organizational culture, and the type of challenges being faced. However, based on general trends and societal attention, it is possible to arrange these ways of thinking in a certain order. The following order is a rough estimation based on their prevalence and attention in modern society, but please note that this order may differ in specific contexts.


o  Design Thinking: With a user-centered approach being emphasized in many industries, it is widely used to generate innovative solutions. "Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works." - Steve Jobs

o  Digital Thinking: As digital transformation progresses, this way of thinking is essential for organizations and individuals. "Digital transformation is about technology, but more about strategic thinking and new ways of thinking." - Brian Solis

o  Critical Thinking: In an era of information overload, the analysis and evaluation of information are considered important in all areas. "An unexamined proposition is not worth believing." - Carl Sagan

o  Strategic Thinking: For organizations and individuals aiming for long-term success, planning with a future perspective is always necessary. "Strategy is about making choices, trade-offs; it's about deliberately choosing to be different." - Michael Porter

o  Systems Thinking: Given the demand for a holistic understanding of complex issues, it is emphasized when seeking sustainable solutions. "To understand the system, one must look beyond the parts to the whole." - Donella Meadows

o  Sustainable Thinking: With environmental issues and social responsibility gaining attention, the importance of this way of thinking is increasing. "What we do today, right now, will have an accumulated effect on all of our tomorrows." - Gro Harlem Brundtland

o  Agile Thinking: This way of thinking is particularly emphasized in software development and project management, but its principles are spreading to other areas as well. "Strive for progress, not perfection." - Agile motto

o  Overthinking: Generally considered a thinking pattern to be avoided, interest in its management has increased with a greater awareness of individual well-being."Thinking is good, overthinking can end up being a problem." - Baltasar Gracian


This order is based on general observations, and the most important or useful way of thinking may differ depending on specific situations and objectives. Moreover, these ways of thinking are complementary to each other, and in many cases, combining multiple ways of thinking can yield the greatest effect.




o  设计 (Design Thinking):在多行中强以用户为中心的方法,广泛用于新解决方案。

「数字化型不仅仅是关于技,更是关于略和新思方式。」- 布莱恩·索利斯

o  数字思 (Digital Thinking):随着数字化型的展,种思方式对组织和个人来是必不可少的。

“数字化型关于技,更多关于略思考和新的思方式。” - 布莱恩·索利斯

o  批判性思 (Critical Thinking):在信息过载代,信息的分析和估在所有域都被视为重要。

“一个未经审视的命得相信。” - 卡尔·

o  略思 (Strategic Thinking)于那些追求期成功的组织和个人,未来角的划始是必需的。

略就是要做出选择,权衡取舍;它关乎有意选择与众不同。” - 迈克尔·波特

o  (Systems Thinking)于需要杂问题有一个整体的理解,求可持解决方案种思方式被强“要理解系,必超越部分,看到整体。” - 拉·梅多斯

o  可持 (Sustainable Thinking):随着问题和社会任的关注度上升,种思方式的重要性在增加。今天、就在此刻所做的事情,将所有的明天生累” - ·哈勒姆·

o  敏捷思 (Agile Thinking)种思方式特别在件开目管理域被重,但其原也在展到其他域。追求步,而非完美。” - 敏捷宣言

o  度思考 (Overthinking):通常被认为应该避免的思模式,但随着个人福祉意的增加,其管理方法的兴趣也在增加。思考是好事,但度思考可能会成为问题” - 巴尔塔·格拉西安






ü  デザイン思考 (Design Thinking): ユーザー中心のアプローチが多くの業界で重視される現在、革新的な解決策を生み出すために広く利用されています。「デザインは、人がどのように見るかではなく、どのように感じるかについてです。」- スティーブ・ジョブズ

ü  デジタル思考 (Digital Thinking): デジタルトランスフォーメーションが進む中、この思考法は組織や個人にとって不可欠です。「デジタル変革は、テクノロジーについてではなく、戦略と新しい方法での思考についてです。」- ブライアン・ソリス

ü  クリティカルシンキング (Critical Thinking): 情報過多の時代にあって、情報の分析と評価はあらゆる領域で重要視されています。「未質問の命題は、未検証の命題と同じです。」- カール・サガン

ü  戦略思考 (Strategic Thinking): 長期的な成功を目指す組織や個人にとって、将来を見据えた計画は常に必要です。「戦略は、あなたがやることよりも、あなたがやらないことについてです。」- マイケル・ポーター

ü  システム思考 (Systems Thinking): 複雑な問題に対する全体的な理解が求められるため、持続可能な解決策を模索する際に重視されます。「システムを理解するためには、その一部を超えて全体を見ることを学ぶ必要があります。」- ドナラ・メドウズ

ü  持続可能な思考 (Sustainable Thinking): 環境問題や社会的責任が注目される中、この思考法の重要性が高まっています。「私たちが今日行うことは、明日の世代に影響を与えます。」- グロ・ハーレム・ブルントラント

ü  アジャイル思考 (Agile Thinking): 特にソフトウェア開発やプロジェクト管理の分野で重視される思考法ですが、その原則は他の領域にも広がっています。「完璧を目指すのではなく、進歩を目指してください。」- アジャイルの格言

ü  過度思考 (Overthinking): これは一般的に避けられるべき思考パターンとされていますが、個人のウェルビーイングに関する意識の高まりとともに、その対処法への関心も増しています。「思考は良いことですが、過度の思考は、あなたが何も行動しない原因となります。」- バルタサール・グラシアン





#The background to the development of these ways of thinking lies in humanity's desire to adapt to change and create a better future. The nature of the problems humanity faces has evolved over time, becoming more complex, which demands a variety of thinking methods for problem-solving. This is because the evolution of technology (the rapid advancement of technology, including the digital revolution, opens up new possibilities while requiring digital literacy and new skill sets), social and environmental issues (challenges modern society faces, such as climate change, resource depletion, and social inequality, are far more global and complex than before), economic and market changes (globalization and market changes intensify competition and demand from organizations and individuals the ability to think strategically and adapt quickly), information overload (the spread of the internet and digital media has allowed us unprecedented access to information), and above all, the importance of a human-centered approach since improving user experience and customer satisfaction are critical to business success. Each way of thinking aims to provide effective solutions to specific problems or challenges, enriching our toolbox for dealing with the diverse and complex issues we face.








#今日の謎解き_謎解きのテーマ: 人間性を高める思考法


Riddle Theme: Ways of Thinking to Enhance Humanity

Riddle Question:An ancient sage left behind a secret book that lists seven keys to enhance humanity. These keys symbolize Design Thinking, Digital Thinking, Critical Thinking, Strategic Thinking, Systems Thinking, Sustainable Thinking, and Agile Thinking. The sage wrote that these ways of thinking are essential to enhance humanity and create a better future. However, the final key to deciphering this secret book is hidden among the previously mentioned ways of thinking. What is that key?




I hope all is well. いつも大変お世話になっております。

反響をいただきました昨日のアナグラムパズルの解答例は、 PLEA (嘆願), LEAP (跳ぶ), PALE (青白い), APE (類人猿)です。速解き計算クイズの解答は64です。本日は謎解きを作成してみました。思考のグレードアップに挑戦しましょう!このような毎日の経営をリードする主力メンバーに対してGBTPを“組織変革に活用される”事例により、リーダーが積極的な行動をするようになったというご意見を頂いております。組織年間購読としてご契約をご検討頂けると嬉しく思います。組織年間購読料コンサルティング費用含:月々10万x12カ月(税別)月に1時間質疑応答。お申込み月翌月からスタート致します。よろしくお願いいたします。

辛苦了,谢谢您。我收到了昨天字的反。答案示例是PLEA求),LEAP(跳),PALE白),APE(类人猿)。速解的答案是64。今天,我尝试制作了一个谜题自己,提升我的思我们已经收到反馈,使用GBTP作为“利用组织变革”的案例研究,已鼓励那些负责日常运营的关键领导成员采取积极行动。如果您考虑订阅我们的年度组织订阅,我们将感到非常高兴。年度订阅费用,包括咨询成本,为每月100,000 x 12个月(不含税),每月1小时的问答时间。订阅将从申请的次月开始。我们期待您的考虑。

Good work, and thank you. We received feedback on the anagram puzzle from yesterday. The answer examples are PLEA (a plea), LEAP (to jump), PALE (pale), and APE (an ape). The answer to the speed-solving calculation quiz is 64. Today, I tried creating a riddle. Let's challenge ourselves to upgrade our thinking! We have received feedback that using GBTP as a case study of "leveraging organizational change" has encouraged leaders who are key members leading daily operations to take proactive actions. We would be delighted if you consider subscribing to our annual organizational subscription. The annual subscription fee, including consulting costs, is 100,000 x 12 months (excluding tax), with one hour of Q&A per month. The subscription will start from the month following the application. We look forward to your consideration.

お申込み、お問い合わせは info@keishogrm.com へお願いいたします。


Thank you for your support and I hope you‘ll good it! 

今日も一日をご機嫌で!共に顔晴りましょう。 ありがとうございました。

May you have many wonderful things in your life.


Keiko Mizuno,水野敬子,2024, Global Beauty Times Premium


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