
Global Beauty Times premium 819 – 全球领导365 Matters of health, November 9, 2023 令和5年11月9日 

Global Beauty Times premium 819 – 全球领导365

Matters of health, November 9, 2023  令和5年119日 


"Embrace the agile mindset: Adaptability and competency are not merely skills, they are the fuel for innovation and the essence of resilience in the face of change.-AesQui”


#Overcoming Project Crisis: Leadership Strategies for Reviving Your Team

A key part of your job as a leader is to keep your team motivated and on track when things start to go sideways. Here are some strategies to try if a project is failing and you need to boost your team’s morale.


Your team’s project might not be going well because the organization’s goals and vision aren’t clear, so get the team together to re-establish or re-define these goals. This can breathe a second life into the project and allow you to troubleshoot, locate pain points, and define a path forward as a team.


Then, to remove obstacles, reprioritize people’s work, reassign work altogether, and reallocate project resources (including budget) as necessary. These sorts of interventions will help reduce redundancy and clear bottlenecks that are getting in the way.


Next, recognize that different people are motivated by different things—for example, career-development opportunities or monetary incentives—and tailor your leadership approach accordingly. And schedule a weekly project meeting to create regular feedback loops about what’s working (and what’s not) so you can course-correct quickly.


Finally, celebrate small wins. Recognition boosts morale and promotes optimism—both of which lead to a sense of forward momentum on your team.





























With heartfelt gratitude, 怀着由衷的感激,

Thank you very much for your assistance. I hope you have a fantastic day!



May you have many wonderful moments in your life. あなたに、素敵な事が沢山ありますように。 

Let us modify our language and behavior in a slightly different manner, to something novel.




CopyrightKeiko Mizuno Keisho.GlobalResourceManagement,,INC (https://spacesinc.webnode.jp/) info@keishogrm.com SPACES, INC. Use English in your daily life 英語を身近に使いましょう你生活中的一部分。Thank you for reading today.お読みいただいてありがとうございます。今天的閱讀謝謝你。Behave smart and beautiful!! Moving forward with you.より美的健康を創造しよう、ご一緒に 一起造更美健康的生活。This email contains information about Scientific evidence, SPACES’s research, insights, services, or events. このメールには、科学的 に証明されたエビデンス、スぺシーズのリサーチ、インサイト、サービス、イベントなどに関する情報が含まれています。件包含有关科学据、SPACES的研究、解、服或活的信息#coaching #counselling #compassion #アジャイル #motivation #leadership #growth mind-set #innovation #technology#透明性と情報開示の組織文化への影響 #brain #emotional intelligence #competency #shin-competency #シン・コンピテンシー #change Copyright(C)2023 敬章・グローバルリソースマネジメント株式会社 掲載記事を許可なく転載することを禁じます。


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