
Global Beauty Times premium 365 – 全球领导835 Matters of health, November 28, 2023 令和5年11月28日 


Global Beauty Times premium 365 – 全球领导835

Matters of health, November 28, 2023  令和5年1128日 


#Build a Network That Boosts Your Performance

We know how important relationship-building is at work. But it’s critical to build a network that compensates for your weaknesses rather than reinforcing your existing strengths. To grow a network that boosts your performance, the key is to surround yourself with people who support you in areas where your cognitive style is not naturally suited. Here’s how to do it.


Identify your cognitive style. Are you more of an innovator (someone who excels at generating new ideas) or an adaptor (someone who’s skilled at implementing ideas but lacks creativity)? Do some reflecting on your habits and preferences and consider where you fall on the spectrum between the two extremes.


Map your network. Start by creating a list of your contacts, including colleagues, collaborators, mentors, and other people you interact with regularly at work. Then categorize them based on your relationships—for example, close colleagues, distant colleagues, mentors, leaders, and so on.


Develop complementary relationships. Identify who in your network complements your cognitive style, then develop those working relationships.




















#Diffusion and Convergence

The model of "Diffusion and Convergence" may be familiar to many business people. Essentially, dialogue is a method suitable for diffusion, while discussion is for convergence. Peter M. Senge has stated:

Dialogue and discussion are potentially complementary, but most teams lack the ability to distinguish between the two and use them consciously.

Many of us know this in theory, but in practice, we often start business meetings without clearly being aware of their roles, namely whether the objective is diffusion or convergence.


For building networks, the method of workshops, frequently used in the workplace, is effective only when the participants share the understanding that its purpose is "diffusion." The effectiveness of workshops is limited to this. For "convergence," a different stage needs to be prepared.


For example, in the convergence stage, the workshop method may be used for consensus building among people with different interests. However, it is intuitively understood that this method is quite unfamiliar for decision-making in speed-oriented businesses.


In recent years, "psychological safety" has been a troubling term for on-site managers. How can we create a workplace with high psychological safety? Certainly, it does not mean that everyone can say whatever they like, anytime, anywhere...


The attitude of workshop leaders can provide an answer to such confusion. If everyone in the workplace, including managers, understands the value of attitudes like "listening" and "neutrality & fairness," and strives to practice dialogue, the likelihood of achieving a psychologically safe workplace is quite high.


Simultaneously, the use of the "Eisenhower Matrix" principle is an unspoken understanding among members leading the business in the workplace. It's a simple yet essential task for business people involved in management, from top executives to on-site leaders.

Distinguishing between "important or not important" is delicate and crucial, and the sense of discernment ultimately determines the performance of individuals and organizations.

And in assigning management roles, the urgent and important aspect is "strategy," while the important but not urgent aspect can be considered "organization."


Strategy involves devising a strategy, implementing it promptly, and achieving results. Its priority in organizational operation is unquestionable.


Organization is about enriching the organizational culture, creating a fulfilling workplace, and maintaining high morale among members. In English, it’s "How to Cultivate Corporate Culture." Recently, the term "organizational development" has become more common. It can be seen as preparing the soil for efficiently achieving strategy. Both are mutually complementary.





















组织是指丰富组织文化,造充的工作所,并保持成高昂的士气。用英就是“How to Cultivate Corporate Culture”。最近,组织发展”一词变得更加常。可以看作是有效实现战略准土壤。两者是相互充的。









たとえば、異なる利害を持つ人間の合意形成など、収斂のステージにこのワークショップWSの手法が使われることがあります。しかしスピードが重視されるビジネスにおける意思決定(Decision Making )にはかなり馴染みにくい手法であることは、直感的に理解していただけるものと思います。






同時に「アイゼンハワーマトリクス」の原理を利用するケースがワークプレイスでは経営を率いるメンバーに暗黙の了解があります。 非常に単純ですが、経営トップから現場のリーダーまで、マネジメントに携わるビジネスパーソンには必須の課題整理です。

「重要 or重要でない」の区別は非常に微妙かつ大切なところで、その見極めのセンスが最終的な個人と組織のパフォーマンスを決めると言っても過言ではないでしょう。





組織とは、組織風土を豊かにし、働きがいのある職場をつくり、メンバーの士気を高く保つことです。英語でいえば ”How to Cultivate Corporate Culture” ですね。最近では、「組織開発」という言葉をしばしば耳にするようになりました。戦略を効率的に達成するための土壌づくりといっていいでしょう。両者は、相互補完的です。



"The path to success is through action. It's good to dream, but that alone is not enough. To make dreams a reality, action is necessary. To succeed, you must first take action." — Tony Robbins




「成功への道は行動です。夢を見るのは良いことですが、それだけでは十分ではありません。夢を実現するには行動が必要です。成功するためには、まず行動を起こさなければならないのです。」— トニー・ロビンス 



With heartfelt gratitude, 怀着由衷的感激,

Thank you very much for your assistance. I hope you have a fantastic day!



May you have many wonderful moments in your life. あなたに、素敵な事が沢山ありますように。 

Let us modify our language and behavior in a slightly different manner, to something novel.




CopyrightKeiko Mizuno Keisho.GlobalResourceManagement,,INC (https://spacesinc.webnode.jp/) info@keishogrm.com SPACES, INC. Use English in your daily life 英語を身近に使いましょう你生活中的一部分。Thank you for reading today.お読みいただいてありがとうございます。今天的閱讀謝謝你。Behave smart and beautiful!! Moving forward with you.より美的健康を創造しよう、ご一緒に 一起造更美健康的生活。This email contains information about Scientific evidence, SPACES’s research, insights, services, or events. このメールには、科学的 に証明されたエビデンス、スぺシーズのリサーチ、インサイト、サービス、イベントなどに関する情報が含まれています。件包含有关科学据、SPACES的研究、解、服或活的信息#coaching #counselling #compassion #アジャイル #motivation #leadership #growth mind-set #innovation #technology#透明性と情報開示の組織文化への影響 #brain #emotional intelligence #competency #shin-competency #team-work #engagement #mental-health, #シン・コンピテンシー #change Copyright(C)2023 敬章・グローバルリソースマネジメント株式会社 掲載記事を許可なく転載することを禁じます。

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