
Caring leadership It shifts the culture of the organization to cultivate the full potential of all employees.思いやりのあるリーダーシップは、従業員が必要だと言っているものを提供します。

 Matters of health _ December 1, 2021(水) 令和3年12月1日(水)  One Month Gift edit. 

人間として成長に繋がる言葉Innovation and Creative, to vision happen with company and each people.


The mindsets of great problem solvers are just as important as the methods they employ. A mindset that encourages curiosity, embraces imperfection, rewards a dragonfly-eye view of the problem, creates new data from experiments and collective intelligence, and drives action through compelling show-and-tell storytelling creates radical new possibilities under high levels of unpredictability. Of course, these approaches can be helpful in a broad range of circumstances, but in times of massive uncertainty, they are essential.

#In sight
Great problem solvers are made, not born. That’s what we’ve found after decades of problem solving with leaders across business, nonprofit, and policy sectors. These leaders learn to adopt a particularly open and curious mindset, and adhere to a systematic process for cracking even the most inscrutable problems. They’re terrific problem solvers under any conditions. And when conditions of uncertainty are at their peak, they’re at their brilliant best.

Six mutually reinforcing approaches underly their success: (1) being ever-curious about every element of a problem; (2) being imperfectionists, with a high tolerance for ambiguity; (3) having a “dragonfly eye” view of the world, to see through multiple lenses; (4) pursuing occurrent behavior and experimenting relentlessly; (5) tapping into the collective intelligence, acknowledging that the smartest people are not in the room; and (6) practicing “show and tell” because storytelling begets action. And they all share one thing in common: they are Humble.
(1) 問題のあらゆる要素に常に好奇心を持つこと、

#At a grance

It is easy to take a reductionist view when thinking about digital transformation. Fix enough of the granular systems that run your finance, logistics, marketing, and HR, and you will eventually reinvent yourself — or so the wishful thinking goes. In truth, when an organization is reborn with machine intelligence at its core, it is not just faster or better than its peers; it becomes different. And different is what you need if you plan to reshape industries and redefine competition in your market.

Tell us honesty, what is the field you want to master? 
A Big Hairy Audacious Goal is a goal in a field that is laughably impossible to achieve.
If you set a fearless goal and become the best in your field, you will be able to achieve it in 20 years.
What is the most ambitious goal you can think of right now?
その分野で「絶対に無理」と笑えるほどの目標をBig Hairy Audacious Goal=社運を賭けた大胆な目標という。

#On point ☚ パワフルな問い:自己肯定感を高め、成長思考を高める(DX Marketing)
Humble hearts produce honest actions.
When did you last let your heart decide?

The founder, Konosuke Matsushita defines the “honest mind” as follows:

“A honest mind is a generous and self-less mind, a mind to accept the teaching of people and a mind to enjoy the fate. It is also a mind which is static and dynamic at the same time and which leads to the truth.

In order to achieve the most desirable way of life as a person, it is important to think and act in a corresponding manner and it is the “honest mind” that is indispensable for doing so. “



Mental attitude for living in harmony together by caring and appreciating, helping and respecting each other.
1. Frame of mind where you are free from self-interest and personal greed.
2. Mental attitude where you humbly listen to anybody and anything.
3. Frame of mind including a broad mind to allow everything.
4. Mental attitude that allows you to see things as they are.
5. Frame of mind that allows you to see things from a wide perspective and understand the logic.
6. Mental attitude that allows you to humbly approach everything and learn any lesson from everything.
7. Frame of mind that allows you to see things and think of them freely and to deal with them flexibly.
8. Mental attitude that allows you to deal with anything evenly and coldly all the time.
9. Frame of mind that allows you to appreciate things at their face value.
10. Mental attitude that allows you to put into practice your broad mind and sense of charity.
1. 私利私欲にとらわれることのない心、
2. だれに対しても何事に対しても、謙虚に耳を傾ける心である
3. 万物万人いっさいをゆるしいれる広い寛容の心というものも含まれている
4. 物事のありのままの姿、本当の姿、実相というものが見える心である
5. 広い視野から物事を見、その道理を知ることのできる心である
6. すべてに対して学ぶ心で接し、
7. 自由自在に見方、考え方を変え、
8. どのような物事に対しても、平静に、冷静に対処してゆくことのできる心である
9. よいものはよいものと認識し、価値あるものはその価値を正しくみとめることのできる心である

#Key Benefits:Resilience 強くしなやかな、

12月、日本は「パワハラ」という言葉が法律で定められた事もあり、パワハラ撲滅月間、そして、世界中がSDGs 3,4,5,8 の達成に取り組むことをスタートしている。働く環境を安心、安全にすることは、従業員、働く環境はフィジカルにもメンタルにも高い影響力のある要因であるということ。そして、企業が経営していく上でも「正しい経営が出来ているかどうか」は健全な危機管理意識、リスクマネジメントを経営側だけではなく共に社員と創り上げる素晴らしい時代に突入したという喜ばしいことである。
As a baseline, employees must feel physically safe, protected from violence and outright harassment.

The next, crucially important step is to create psychological safety, which means, that everyone feels they can express themselves, broach difficult issues, take risks, collaborate freely with others, and even make mistakes without repercussions.

Our research suggests that leaders need to work harder to make new type employees feel safe by modeling intense listening and humble inquiry, providing clear guidelines for team communication, destigmatizing failure, emphasizing continuous accountability, and routinely acknowledging and thanking people for their participation.

Caring leadership gives employees what they say the need: managers who strive toward a system that makes everyone feel “safe, seen, and supported.”

In the end, this changes not just the dynamic with and outcomes for new type employees. It shifts the culture of the organization to cultivate the full potential of all employees.

Protection : You, your loved ones, and your possessions are safe and protected by Heaven!
Your prayers, which ask for safety and protection, have been heard and answered. Any attacks or threats are now a thing of the pase, washed away with the tide of Heavenly love. This love is clearing away your insecurities so that you can feel totally secure. When you ask Heaven to watch over you, your loved ones,
your home, and your possessions, your prayers are instantly answered. There’s no hesitation or delay on Heaven’s part-it’s done as soon as you ask! Your energies can now be directed in meaningful and creative ways, with your mind clear of worries. Enjoy your day!
May you have many wonderful things in your life.
Try lots of new things. 新しい経験をたくさんしよう。


Copyright Ⓒ KEIKO Mizuno 水野敬子 SPACES,INC (webnode.jp) info@keishogrm.com
Use English in your daily life 英語を身近に使いましょうThank you for reading today.お読みいただいてありがとうございました。Behave smart and beautiful!! Moving forward with you.より美的健康を創造しよう、ご一緒にThank you for your support and I hope you‘ll good it! 今日も共に顔晴りましょう!!! This email contains information about Scientific evidence, SPACES’s research, insights, services, or events. このメールには、科学的に証明されたエビデンス、スぺ―シーズのリサーチ、インサイト、サービス、イベントなどに関する情報が含まれています。

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