
GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES 全球美徳倫One Word a Day: Global virtue ethics “こころで人を動かす”言動:一日一語 Global Beauty Times 365 – 全球领导934 Matters of health, March 7, 2024 令和6年3月7日(木)


GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES  全球美徳倫One Word a Day: Global virtue ethics



Global Beauty Times 365 – 全球领导934 Matters of health, March 7, 2024 令和637日(木)






As we welcome the beginning of spring yet find it still cold, I feel a desire to search for signs of spring. How are you doing?

We only have a little while left to see the winter scenery, among which I find the bare trees of winter to be my favorite. The delicate branches of trees without their leaves weave a sight that feels like an artwork. It's when the branches, which may not attract anyone's attention when covered with flowers or leaves, are revealed, that we are made aware of their beauty. Even more so when they are adorned with snow. And, the absence of leaves means they don't have to bear the weight of the snow, which seems to teach us the importance of not carrying too much.

I understand that the cold will continue for a while longer. With the footsteps of spring in mind, I pray for your self-love and care.






#Set Boundaries Against Emotional Manipulation

Emotional manipulation is when someone preys on another person’s feelings to trigger guilt, fear, or obligation. If you think you’re being emotionally manipulated by a colleague or manager, try these five strategies to protect yourself.


Trust your gut. If something feels off or an interaction leaves you with a lingering sense of discomfort, don’t dismiss your feelings. Your subconscious might be picking up subtle cues or inconsistencies that your conscious mind hasn’t yet processed.


Seek external perspectives. When in doubt, lean on trusted colleagues, mentors, or friends. Sharing your experiences and seeking feedback can provide a fresh perspective, helping you discern genuine intentions from manipulative tactics.


Practice emotional detachment. Try viewing the situation from a neutral standpoint. The goal is to maintain an emotional distance, allowing for a decision-making process that’s influenced by facts, not feelings.


Set boundaries. By defining and communicating which behaviors and interactions are acceptable and reasonable to you (and which aren’t), you set a standard for how you expect to be treated.


























Protect yourself by trusting your intuition and acting based on facts, not emotions.



Corporate Advocacy in a Time of Social Outrage

Businesses can't weigh in on every issue that emploees care about. But they can create a culture of open dialogue and ethical transparency.


在社会怒的代中的企 不能对员工关心的每一个问题表意。但它可以造一个开放对话和道德透明度的文化






When Can Speaking Up Be Prudent and Effective?


Ask yourself these nine questions before you leand your company's voice to an issue.  If you answer no to any of them, It's unwise to proceed.










1. Is the issue central to your business's values, code of conduct, or other existing public commitments?


2. Is the issue an envirnmental or social priority, according to a rigorous materiality assessment?


3. Does the issue pertain to commitments you have made to your workforce, such as diversity and inclusion or human rights commitments?


4. Has your company done all it can to ensure it isn't making the problem worse through its actions or business model?


5. Does your company have relevant capacity and expertise to contribute to solutions for the issue?


6. Is this a new issue that has a proximate relationship to the company's goals or operations?


7. Is there a clear way your business can make a positive contribution in collaboration with others?


8. Will acting on the issue support a positive operating environment for business in general? Would it support democratic participation, fair competition, equality of opportunity, and basic human rights?


9. Can the company make a statement that’s consistent with its values, prior actions, political spending, and environmental and social priorities?


1.         问题是否与公司的价值观、行或其他已公开的承密切相关?


2.         根据格的重要性估,问题是否是一个境或社会先考问题


3.         问题是否涉及你对员工作出的承,如多性与包容性或人权承


4.         公司是否已尽其所能确保其行或商模式不会使问题恶化?


5.         公司是否有相关的能力和专业解决问题做出献?


6.         是一个与公司目或运有密切关系的新问题吗


7.         公司是否有明确的方式可以与他人合作做出献?


8.         对这问题的行是否会支持一般商极运营环境?它是否会支持民主参与、公平争、机会平等和基本人权?


9.         公司是否可以表一份与其价值观、先前行、政治支出以及境和社会先事一致的声明?


1.         この問題は、あなたのビジネスの価値観、行動規範、またはその他の既存の公約にとって中心的なものですか?


2.         厳密な実質性評価によれば、この問題は環境または社会の優先事項ですか?


3.         この問題は、多様性と包括性や人権に関する約束など、労働力に対して行った約束に関連していますか?


4.         あなたの会社は、その行動やビジネスモデルを通じて問題を悪化させていないことを確実にするためにできることをすべて行っていますか?


5.         あなたの会社は、この問題に対する解決策に貢献するための関連する能力と専門知識を持っていますか?


6.         この問題は、会社の目標や運営に近い関係がある新しい問題ですか?


7.         他者と協力して、あなたのビジネスが前向きな貢献をする明確な方法はありますか?

8.         問題に対処することは、一般的にビジネスのための前向きな運営環境を支援しますか?民主的な参加、公正な競争、機会の平等、基本的人権を支援しますか?

9.         会社は、その価値観、以前の行動、政治的支出、環境および社会的優先事項と一致した声明を出すことができますか?


When companies raise their voices on social issues, it is necessary to carefully consider whether their actions are truly meaningful and align with the company's values and business model. Below are several points that require special attention:


1.         Alignment with values: The issues that companies engage with should be closely related to their core values, code of conduct, and public commitments. This ensures consistency and increases credibility in their actions.


2.         Importance of materiality assessment: It's crucial to objectively assess whether an issue is truly important to the company and its stakeholders based on a rigorous materiality assessment. This helps to focus resources on the most impactful areas.


3.         Social responsibility: Companies are expected to genuinely uphold commitments to diversity, inclusion, and human rights. Actions aligned with these commitments enhance the company's credibility and social impact.


4.         Self-assessment: Companies should continually question whether their actions or business model are exacerbating the problem and take corrective measures if necessary.


5.         Expertise and capability: The ability and expertise of a company to contribute to solving an issue are vital. Companies should leverage their strengths to make concrete contributions to solutions.


6.         Response to new issues: Prompt response to new issues that are closely related to the company's goals or operations is crucial for responsible corporate behavior.


7.         Collaboration and cooperation: Solving problems often requires collaboration with other organizations, and companies should seek clear ways to cooperate with others to make a positive contribution.


8.         Contribution to the overall business environment: It's important to consider whether the company's actions improve the general business environment, support democratic participation, fair competition, equality of opportunity, and basic human rights.


9.         Consistency with values: Companies need to make statements that are consistent with their values, previous actions, political spending, and environmental and social priorities. This ensures the consistency and trustworthiness of their actions.


By carefully considering these points, companies can raise their voices on social issues in a more responsible way and positively leverage their influence.




1.         值观的一致性:企业应对问题应与其核心价值观、行和公开承密切相关。这样可以确保行的一致性,并提高公司行的可信度。


2.         实质估的重要性:基于客观标准(实质估)确定问题对公司及其利益相关者的真正重要性至关重要。许资源集中于最具影响力的域。


3.         社会任:公司需要自己在多性、包容性和人权方面所作的承承担实际责任。符合些承的行可以提高公司的可信度和社会影响力。


4.         自我估:公司不断自其行或商模式是否加问题,并在必要时进行改


5.         专业和能力:公司解决问题的能力和专业至关重要。公司利用自身优势为解决方案做出具体献。


6.         问题的响新出问题或与公司目和运密切相关的问题迅速响采取社会任行至关重要。


7.         合作与作:解决问题往往需要与其他组织体合作。公司应寻求与他人合作以做出献的明确方式。


8.         整体商业环境的献:考公司行是否改善了一般商业环境,并支持民主参与、公平争、机会平等和基本人权至关重要。


9.         与价值观的一致性:公司需要表与其价值观去行、政治支出以及境和社会先事一致的声明。保持了公司行的一致性和信任度。






1.         価値観との一致: 企業が取り組むべき問題は、その企業の基本的な価値観や行動規範、公にされた約束と密接に関連しているべきです。これにより、企業の行動が一貫性を持ち、信頼性が高まります。


2.         実質性評価の重要性: 問題が企業やそのステークホルダーにとって本当に重要であるかどうかを、客観的な基準(実質性評価)に基づいて判断することが重要です。これにより、資源を最も影響力のある分野に集中させることができます。


3.         社会的責任: 企業は多様性、包括性、人権といった自らが掲げるコミットメントに対して、実際に責任を持つことが求められます。これらの約束に沿った行動は、企業の信頼性と社会的影響を高めます。


4.         自己評価: 企業は自身の行動やビジネスモデルが問題を悪化させていないかを常に自問自答し、必要に応じて改善策を講じるべきです。


5.         専門知識と能力: 問題解決に貢献できる企業の能力と専門知識が重要です。企業は自分たちの強みを生かして、具体的な解決策に貢献できるべきです。


6.         新しい問題への対応: 新しく出現した問題や、企業の目標や運営に密接に関連する問題への迅速な対応は、企業が社会的に責任ある行動を取る上で重要です。


7.         協力と連携: 問題解決には他の組織や団体との協力が必要な場合が多く、企業は前向きな貢献をするために、他者と協力する明確な方法を模索すべきです。


8.         全体的なビジネス環境への貢献: 企業の行動が一般的なビジネス環境を改善し、民主的参加や公正な競争、機会の平等、基本的人権を支持するかどうかを考慮することが重要です。


9.         価値観との整合性: 企業は自らの価値観、以前の行動、政治的支出、環境および社会的優先事項と一致した声明を出す必要があります。これにより、企業の行動の一貫性と信頼性が保たれます。







Thank you for your support and I hope you‘ll good it! 

今日も一日をご機嫌で!共に顔晴りましょう。 ありがとうございました。

May you have many wonderful things in your life.


Keiko Mizuno,水野敬子,2024, Global Beauty Times Premium

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