
Uncertainty is not an obstacle, but an opportunity for innovation and growth. When leading a team, it's crucial to find and pursue possibilities even in the face of difficulties.


GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES  全球美徳倫One Word a Day: Global virtue ethics


Global Beauty Times 365 – 全球领导872  Matters of health, January 6, 2024 令和6年1月6日(土)

Uncertainty is not an obstacle, but an opportunity for innovation and growth. When leading a team, it's crucial to find and pursue possibilities even in the face of difficulties.






#Empower Your Team Amid Uncertainty

Uncertainty can leave employees feeling anxious, both about their current position and future prospects. How can you lead through uncertainty in a way that empowers your team, rather than destabilizes them?


Adopt an opportunity-first mindset. When discussing uncertainty, highlight the opportunities that lie ahead, for example, opportunities to experiment, innovate, or shift priorities and responsibilities. This framing helps focus attention on the potential for positive change, instead of what people are up against.


Be specific about what you’re facing—and how you plan to face it. For example: “We’re facing uncertainty about whether there will be more regulation of our products. As a result, we’re going to be prudent about further investment for the next six months and diversify into other markets.”


Share your experience. Reflecting on how you’ve navigated uncertain times in the past can remind your team that uncertainty is unavoidable—and renew their confidence that you’ll get through it together this time too.


Encourage people to be entrepreneurial. Push your employees to think outside the box, innovating and problem-solving autonomously.

























  1. How do I stimulate entrepreneurial thinking and promote innovation within myself and my team? How do I identify and pursue opportunities amidst uncertainty?
  2. How can I maintain a positive attitude within my team and motivate them when faced with challenging situations?
  3. How can I recognize opportunities for innovation and growth, and what should I do to realize them?
  4. What lessons have I learned from past experiences with uncertainty, and how am I applying them to my current leadership?
  5. How do I stimulate entrepreneurial thinking and promote innovation within myself and my team?


  1. 在不确定性中,我如何发现并追求机会?
  2. 性的情况,我如何保持团队度并激励他
  3. 我如何新和成的机会,并应该做什么来实现
  4. 我从去面不确定性的经历中学到了什么教,我如何将些教训应用于当前的领导
  5. 我如何激自己和团队创业,并促进创


1.       私は不確実性の中でどのようにチャンスを見出し、それを追求していますか?

2.       困難な状況に直面した時、私はどのようにしてチームの前向きな態度を保ち、彼らを励ますことができますか?

3.       革新と成長の機会をどのようにして識別し、それらを実現するために何をすべきですか?

4.       過去に直面した不確実な状況から、私はどのような教訓を学びましたか?それらの経験を現在のリーダーシップにどのように活用していますか?

5.       私は自分自身とチームをどのようにして起業家精神で刺激し、革新的な思考を促進していますか?




2024年の年初に、皆さんにこの言葉を送ります。人生で起こることすべてには深い意味があります。この新たな一年が素晴らしい年になることを願っています。GBT グローバルリーダー人材育成事業にご関心をお寄せくださり、誠にありがとうございます。本年も引き続きご支援をいただけましたら幸いです。 Keiko Mizuno,水野敬子,2024, Global Beauty Times Premium

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