
#MedicalDetox New Work Rule - Learn to Measure, Measure to Learn

Learn to Measure, Measure to Learn
学びの計測、学習の測定、そして Time Tracking

As the summer sun shines down dazzlingly on the lush, green trees, how are you doing? 夏の日差しを受けた木々の緑がきらきらと輝くころ、いかがお過ごしでしょうか。

It's midsummer now, the season of Citrus tamurana and blistering heat.
Also, July 23rd is called "Fumitsuki Fumi no Hi" in Japanese.

Since we're all hesitant to gather together or invite others out due to current conditions, perhaps we should consider this as time for writing instead of meeting face-to-face.

Even if you can't think of words to write, this is the season of summer greeting cards. 仲間で集まることや、誰かを誘って出かけることをためらう昨今、直接会う時間の代わりに文をづつる時間ができたと考えるのもよいかも知れませんね。言葉が浮かばなくても、暑中お見舞いの季節

With concern for the people precious to you, if you believe that these feelings will come across just from seeing your name as the sender and post a greeting, this will help improve your brain's immunity this month. 大切な人を氣づかう氣持ちは、差出人の名前を目にして頂くだけでも伝わると信じて_お便りを出してみよう_と

Not only heat, but also mental fatigue gradually builds up before you realize it. 暑さだけでなく、知らずしらずのうちにつもる気疲れもあるかと存じます。

Please take good care of yourselves. どうかくれぐれもご自愛くださいね

The same day, Marine Day.
According to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, "Of all the countries in the world, Japan is the only one with 'Marine Day' as a national holiday." 同日、海の日。国土交通省は「世界の国々の中で『海の日』を国民の祝日としている国は唯一日本だけ」としている

Since it's such a unique day, I want to make some time to meet people and talk, and I'll work hard for that purpose once again today. 唯一の日であればこそ、人に会って会話ができる時間を作ろうと私は今日も頑張る