
What is your first wish? あなたの願いは何ですか?


I'll make a business match. 仕事のご縁を結びます

We hope that you will be able to find a job that you want, a good relationship with your business partner, and good human relations at work. ご自身の望む仕事や取引先とのご縁、職場での良好な人間関係など仕事にまつわる様々なご縁が結ばれるよう祈りをこめて謹製いたしました。

January 18th, 2021 Monday 令和3年1月18日(月) 

I pray that your enthusiasm for your work and your daily efforts will produce good results.



Set goals that contribute to others, not just for yourself.


If you set goals only for yourself, jealousy, envy, anxiety, and despair will be high, and you will easily burn out your motivation.


A sense of contributing to someone other than yourself is necessary to maintain motivation, especially for long-term goals.




What was the best thing that happened to you this year?


What was the most interesting thing that happened to you?


If you had to watch a movie or drama that you don’t usually watch, what would you choose?



Everything is an experience. 何事も経験です。


The painful and difficult things you do now

Will support you in the future. 今の苦しいこと辛いことが


Experience is the treasure of life.



If you compare yourself with others, the only thing that awaits you is laziness or despair.



If you compare yourself with those who are lower than you, you become lax and do not grow.



If you compare yourself with those who are higher than you, you will despair at the difference between your ideal and reality.



To live freely is to be able to grow without being influenced by others.



What is your first wish? あなたの願いは何ですか?


The Word Ball Box言葉の玉手箱

誰かが If someone

他の人の幸せのために for the happiness of others

誰かが流してくれた汗や涙が the sweat and tears that someone shed for us

私たちの暮らしを守り protect and support our lives.



過ごしていきたいですね。I would like to spend my time with a sense of gratitude.


Last but not least, I would like to thank all the many people who have read my humble blog this year.



I am grateful for the many good connections and warm messages I have received.



I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

心より御礼申し上げます。(^. (^. ^)(-. (^. ^)(-. ^)(__)


Thank you for your continued support.

Thank you again for reading through to the end of today’s article.



On Monday, January 25, 2021, we will hold a January Review 11:00-12:00(60min) and a Spring HOPE Program Guidance Session 13:00-14:30(90min).  We will continue to hold the HOPE Program Guidance Sessions to help you live a vibrant life, and to give you hope for the future.

  If you are interested, please contact us here.  We are looking forward to it.

*Only those who have contacted us will be contacted by Zoom. Cost: 55,000yen. (tax included)

※2021年1月25日(月) 1月を振り返る11:00-12:00(60min)、春「HOPE」プログラムガイダンスセッションを13:00~14:30(90min)を実施致します。今後とも、みなさまのイキイキとした生活のご支援をさせて頂くことで、未来に希望を指す「HOPE」プログラムガイダンスセッションを開催いたします。 ご興味関心のある方はこちらにご連絡くださいね。楽しみにしております。ご連絡を頂いた方にのみZoomご連絡をさせて頂きます。 費用:55千円(税込)


I would like to spend my time with gratitude.

KEIKO 敬子水野 


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