
"The secret of success is not to give up even if you fail, but to challenge yourself again."


GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES  全球美徳倫One Word a Day: Global virtue ethics


Global Beauty Times 365 – 全球领导10,028

Matters of health, June 11, 2024 令和6611




"The secret of success is not to give up even if you fail, but to challenge yourself again."




The Power of Perseverance

The key to success lies in never giving up and challenging yourself once more. It's okay to take a break when things get tough, but make it a habit to challenge yourself one more time. This habit will push you forward.

In the grand scheme of things, life is always full of interesting experiences. In the short term, we tend to focus only on the difficult times, but every hardship can eventually become a fond memory or a valuable experience. Therefore, suffering can turn into memories, and sadness can transform into experience.


Furthermore, if you can find joy in difficult situations, you are practically guaranteed success. Instead of relying solely on willpower, it's important to practice finding joy in the little things in daily life. This practice will allow you to continue your efforts without losing hope.


Stop blaming others and take responsibility for your own life. As long as you blame others, you will not move forward from where you are now. However, once you stop blaming others, your life will begin to change.

Opportunities cannot be stored. You cannot save up opportunities; you can only seize them in a moment. What is important is not the ability to spot opportunities, but the courage to seize them in an instant. Psychologically, there is a phenomenon known as the "Zeigarnik effect," which states that unfinished tasks or interrupted work are strongly remembered. This phenomenon creates motivation to seize unfinished opportunities.


If you are serious but not successful, it may be because you lack creativity. The more serious a person is, the more likely they are to be bound by rules and unable to do new things. The key is to be serious about innovation. Those who do not innovate have no future.


Think not of what others have not done for you, but of what you have not done. Those who let others control their lives only complain about what others have not done for them and do not move forward. However, those who can control their own lives reflect on what they have not done and continue to move forward.


Successful people start with what they can do. Unsuccessful people start with what they cannot do. By continuing to do what you can, you will eventually become dissatisfied and start seeking something a little higher than usual. When this happens, you have achieved success. This drive for improvement will lead you to success.

Finally, be prepared to take full responsibility for everything and live selfishly. Living according to others is what cowards do to escape responsibility. If you are willing to take responsibility for your own failures, you can take on any challenge. We don't have time to think about trivial things like what others or society thinks of us.







































  1. 小成功体
    • 定小目实现,以建立信心。些成功体会提高自我效能感。
  2. 极的自我对话
    • 培养自己说积话语习惯。减少消极的自我对话,用的言辞鼓励自己。
  3. 接受他人的支持和反
    • 接受周人的支持和极反。信任的人的鼓励有助于提高自我效能感。
  4. 察榜
    • 找到与自己目相符的榜察他的行和思方式。榜的成功会强化你也能成功的信念。
  5. 管理力:
    • 有效管理力,并学会放松技巧,以便在困情况下保持冷静。利用放松技巧,如瑜伽、冥想和深呼吸。






  1. 小さな成功体験を積み重ねる
    • 小さな目標を設定し、それを達成することで自信をつけます。成功体験の積み重ねが、自己効力感を高めます。
  2. ポジティブな自己対話
    • 自分に対して肯定的な言葉をかける習慣をつけましょう。ネガティブな自己対話を減らし、ポジティブな言葉で自分を励まします。
  3. 他者からのサポートとフィードバック
    • 周囲の人からのサポートやポジティブなフィードバックを受け入れましょう。信頼できる人からの励ましは、自己効力感を高める助けになります。
  4. ロールモデルの観察
    • 自分が目指す姿に近いロールモデルを見つけ、その人の行動や考え方を参考にします。ロールモデルの成功は、自分にもできるという信念を強化します。
  5. ストレス管理
    • ストレスを適切に管理し、リラックスする方法を身につけることで、困難な状況でも冷静に対処できるようになります。ヨガや瞑想、深呼吸などのリラクゼーションテクニックを活用しましょう。


To enhance self-efficacy, the following methods are effective:


  1. Accumulate small successes:
    • Set small goals and achieve them to build confidence. Accumulating these successes enhances self-efficacy.
  2. Positive self-talk:
    • Cultivate the habit of speaking positively to yourself. Reduce negative self-talk and encourage yourself with positive words.
  3. Support and feedback from others:
    • Accept support and positive feedback from people around you. Encouragement from trusted individuals helps enhance self-efficacy.
  4. Observing role models:
    • Find role models who embody the traits you aspire to and observe their actions and thoughts. The success of role models reinforces the belief that you can also succeed.
  5. Stress management:
    • Manage stress effectively and learn relaxation techniques to remain calm in difficult situations. Utilize relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing.




Thank you for your support and I hope you‘ll good it! 

今日も一日をご機嫌で!共に顔晴りましょう。 ありがとうございました。

May you have many wonderful things in your life.




Keiko Mizuno,水野敬子,2024, Global Beauty Times Premium

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