
"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." チャールズ・ダーウィン (Charles Darwin)


GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES  全球美徳倫One Word a Day: Global virtue ethics


Global Beauty Times 365 – 全球领导10,036

Matters of health, June 20, 2024 令和6620





"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."

チャールズ・ダーウィン (Charles Darwin)



—— 尔斯·达尔文



#Protect Yourself from Your Team’s Stress


As a manager, it’s easy to absorb the emotional burdens of your team. Hearing about an employee’s burnout or mental health challenges, family or relationship problems, medical concerns, or financial stressors can take a toll on your own well-being. Here are some strategies for taking care of yourself so you can support your team.


Seek to understand. When listening to others, you can avoid taking on their negative emotions by adopting an information-seeking stance. Ask questions to understand their situation—without internalizing their feelings.


Set clear boundaries. Protect your time by scheduling office hours and group sessions. Remember, your role is to support your team professionally—not to act as a therapist. Redirect employees to professional resources when necessary.


Reflect on your impact. Acknowledge the beneficial effects of your efforts. Reflecting on how you’re supporting your employees can protect your emotional state and reduce burnout.


Prioritize self-care. Seek support from peers, a therapist, or a coach. Practice self-compassion and recognize that you can’t fix everyone’s problems, and take regular breaks to replenish your energy.






理解しようとする。 他人の話を聞くときは、情報収集の姿勢を取ることで、彼らのネガティブな感情を引き受けることを避けることができます。彼らの状況を理解するために質問をするが、その感情を内面化しないようにします。


明確な境界を設定する。 オフィスアワーやグループセッションをスケジュールすることで、時間を守りましょう。あなたの役割は、チームを専門的にサポートすることであり、セラピストのように振る舞うことではありません。必要に応じて、従業員を専門のリソースに誘導しましょう。


自分の影響を振り返る。 自分の努力がもたらす有益な効果を認識しましょう。従業員をサポートしていることを振り返ることで、自分の感情状態を守り、燃え尽きを軽減することができます。


セルフケアを優先する。 同僚、セラピスト、またはコーチからサポートを求めましょう。自己への思いやりを実践し、すべての問題を解決することはできないことを認識し、エネルギーを補充するために定期的に休憩を取りましょう。
















"Taking care of yourself is one of the best things you can do for others."

Elizabeth Gilbert





1. オープンなコミュニケーション (Open Communication, 开放的沟通)



2. 学習と成長の機会を提供 (Providing Learning and Growth Opportunities, 提供学和成机会)



3. フィードバックを重視する (Emphasizing Feedback, )



4. 目標設定と達成支援 (Goal Setting and Achievement Support, 标设定和达成支持)



5. 多様性と包容力のある環境を作る (Creating a Diverse and Inclusive Environment, 建多性和包容性的)



6. チームビルディング活動 (Team Building Activities, 团队)



7. メンタリングとコーチング (Mentoring and Coaching, 辅导)



8. 柔軟な働き方 (Flexible Working Arrangements, 灵活的工作安排)



9. クリエイティブな思考を奨励する (Encouraging Creative Thinking, 鼓励造性思)



10. ポジティブな職場文化 (Positive Workplace Culture, 极的工作文化)






1. 开放的沟通 (Open Communication, オープンなコミュニケーション)



2. 提供学和成机会 (Providing Learning and Growth Opportunities, 学習と成長の機会を提供)



3. (Emphasizing Feedback, フィードバックを重視する)



4. 标设定和达成支持 (Goal Setting and Achievement Support, 目標設定と達成支援)



5. 建多性和包容性的 (Creating a Diverse and Inclusive Environment, 多様性と包容力のある環境を作る)



6. 团队 (Team Building Activities, チームビルディング活動)



7. 辅导 (Mentoring and Coaching, メンタリングとコーチング)



8. 灵活的工作安排 (Flexible Working Arrangements, 柔軟な働き方)



9. 鼓励造性思 (Encouraging Creative Thinking, クリエイティブな思考を奨励する)



10. 极的工作文化 (Positive Workplace Culture, ポジティブな職場文化)





#Creating an Environment Where Both Yourself and Others Can Grow

1. Open Communication (オープンなコミュニケーション, 开放的沟通)

Create an environment where opinions and ideas can be freely shared. Schedule regular meetings and feedback sessions to promote exchange of ideas.


2. Providing Learning and Growth Opportunities (学習と成長の機会を提供, 提供学和成机会)

Offer opportunities for skill development such as training sessions, seminars, and online courses. Actively introduce resources for self-improvement.


3. Emphasizing Feedback (フィードバックを重視する, )

Regularly provide constructive feedback to clarify areas for improvement and highlight successes. Feedback should be positive.


4. Goal Setting and Achievement Support (目標設定と達成支援, 标设定和达成支持)

Set clear goals and provide support to achieve them. Monitor the process of goal attainment and offer necessary assistance.


5. Creating a Diverse and Inclusive Environment (多様性と包容力のある環境を作る, 建多性和包容性的)

Respect different backgrounds and perspectives, and foster a culture of diversity. Ensure everyone feels safe to express their opinions.


6. Team Building Activities (チームビルディング活動, 团队)

Conduct activities to enhance team cohesion. Workshops, team-building events, and social contribution activities are effective.


7. Mentoring and Coaching (メンタリングとコーチング, 辅导)

Implement mentoring programs where experienced members guide new or younger members. Coaching is also important for growth.


8. Flexible Working Arrangements (柔軟な働き方, 灵活的工作安排)

Provide flexible working options such as remote work and flextime, respecting work-life balance.


9. Encouraging Creative Thinking (クリエイティブな思考を奨励する, 鼓励造性思)

Encourage creative ideas and new attempts. Foster a culture that embraces challenges without fear of failure.


10. Positive Workplace Culture (ポジティブな職場文化, 极的工作文化)

Cultivate a habit of expressing gratitude and maintaining a positive atmosphere. Celebrating team achievements through events is also effective.

By implementing these points, you can create an environment where both yourself and others can grow.


Thank you for your support and I hope you‘ll good it! 

今日も一日をご機嫌で!共に顔晴りましょう。 ありがとうございました。

May you have many wonderful things in your life.


Keiko Mizuno,水野敬子,2024, Global Beauty Times Premium

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