
"Compassion and Wisdom in Life: Teachings from Great Leaders" 「コンパッションと人生の知恵:偉大なリーダーたちの教え」


GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES  全球美徳倫One Word a Day: Global virtue ethics


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Matters of health, June 16, 2024 令和6616


"Compassion and Wisdom in Life: Teachings from Great Leaders"



What is Necessary in Life:  Love, Courage, and Compassion  人生で必要なもの


Compassion, an element that enables you to become a calm and beautiful person. I believe the word "compassion" translates most closely to "empathy."


Compassion is an important element that brings significant positive impacts not only on an individual's life but also on the workplace and society as a whole. By practicing compassion in daily life and work, we can build better human relationships and environments.


Compassion refers to the feelings and actions of understanding, empathizing with, and attempting to alleviate the suffering and difficulties of others.


Elements of Compassion

  • Recognition: Noticing the suffering and difficulties of others.
  • Empathy: Understanding and empathizing with others' emotions and situations.
  • Motivation: Having a strong desire to alleviate the suffering of others.
  • Action: Taking concrete actions to actually help others.


Benefits of Compassion

  • Personal Growth: Understanding and helping others' suffering can lead to self-growth and mental satisfaction.
  • Improved Relationships: Having compassion deepens human relationships and builds trust.
  • Workplace Environment Improvement: Compassion in the workplace enhances team cohesion, employee satisfaction, and productivity.
  • Health Benefits: Research shows it has positive effects on reducing stress and improving physical and mental health.


Methods to Enhance Compassion

  • Self-awareness: Start by noticing and accepting your own emotions and reactions.
  • Mindfulness: Improve your ability to notice the suffering of others by practicing meditation or mindfulness.
  • Interest in Others: Actively take an interest in others and strive to understand their background and situation.
  • Practical Actions: Take concrete actions, even small ones, to help others.










l  認識: 他人の苦しみや困難に気づくこと。

l  共感: 他人の感情や状況に共感し、理解すること。

l  動機づけ: 他人の苦しみを和らげようとする強い意欲を持つこと。

l  行動: 実際に他人を助けるための具体的な行動を取ること。



l  個人的な成長: 他人の苦しみを理解し、助けようとすることで自己成長や精神的な満足感が得られます。

l  人間関係の改善: コンパッションを持つことで、人間関係がより深まり、信頼関係が築かれます。

l  職場環境の向上: 職場でのコンパッションは、チームの結束力を高め、従業員の満足度や生産性を向上させる効果があります。

l  健康への影響: ストレスの軽減や心身の健康に良い影響を与えることが研究で示されています。



l  自己認識: 自分自身の感情や反応に気づき、それを受け入れることから始めましょう。

l  マインドフルネス: 瞑想やマインドフルネスの練習を通じて、現在の瞬間に集中し、他人の苦しみに気づく能力を高めます。

l  他者への関心: 他人に対して積極的に関心を持ち、その背景や状況を理解しようと努めます。

l  実践的な行動: 小さなことからでも他人を助ける具体的な行動を取りましょう。



Dalai Lama: ダライ・ラマ:


"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive."


Mother Teresa: マザー・テレサ:


"Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love."


Albert Schweitzer: アルバート・シュバイツァー:


"The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others."


Aristotle: アリストテレス:


"Compassion is the natural response to suffering, and feeling it nurtures our humanity."


Nelson Mandela:  ネルソン・マンデラ:

"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."




To lead a healthy and beautiful life every day, what we can start doing now is to continue acting with love, courage, and compassion.





We are offering an online course for those who wish to develop compassion. This comprehensive 3-week course includes weekly 90-minute sessions, combining compassion and mindset training. In just three weeks, your actions will transform dramatically. The course is completely private.Price: ¥27,000 + ¥3,000 (for course materials) = ¥30,000 + 10% tax = ¥33,000 (tax included) 

If you are interested, please contact us for moreinformation.




Thank you for your support and I hope you‘ll good it! 

今日も一日をご機嫌で!共に顔晴りましょう。 ありがとうございました。

May you have many wonderful things in your life.


Keiko Mizuno,水野敬子,2024, Global Beauty Times Premium


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