
"Leadership is the art of motivating others, and it begins with understanding their thoughts and emotions, and supporting their growth and success." – John C. Maxwell


GLOBAL BEAUTY TIMES  全球美徳倫One Word a Day: Global virtue ethics


Global Beauty Times 365 – 全球领导10,027

Matters of health, June 10, 2024 令和6610


"Leadership is the art of motivating others, and it begins with understanding their thoughts and emotions, and supporting their growth and success."
– John C. Maxwell


·C·麦克斯 (John C. Maxwell)


– John C. Maxwell



Starting and Thriving in Your Career: From Remote Work to Understanding Strategy and Leadership


Starting your career in a remote role offers benefits like geographic flexibility and work-life balance but also presents unique challenges. Combat isolation by working from coworking spaces or alongside friends and family, and pursue hobbies to find community. Minimize distractions by creating a dedicated workspace and setting boundaries with household members. Effective communication is vital—take detailed notes during meetings, ask questions, and proactively seek guidance from past work.


Understanding your company’s strategy is crucial. Explain not only what the strategy is but also what it isn’t, and link it to the organization's purpose, mission, and goals. Involve employees in strategy development to foster a shared understanding and encourage participation.


Identify toxic positivity in leadership by recognizing red flags like surrounding themselves with "yes" people, providing excessive praise, and expecting constant happiness. True leaders balance optimism with realism, offer balanced feedback, and validate employees’ feelings.


After leadership training, apply what you’ve learned by preparing concise pitches for stakeholders, recognizing others’ contributions, and communicating your intentions clearly. Embrace your growth, involve your team in the transformation process, and introduce changes gradually to ensure acceptance.


キャリアをスタートし成功させる: リモートワークから戦略とリーダーシップの理解まで


















"力是一种无知的状,它认为一切都是急的。" - 布莱恩·特雷西


「ストレスは、その出口を探し求めている問題の光景に向かって行かない限り、解消されない。」 - ブライアン・トレーシー


Brian Tracy's quote: "Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency."



1.         Adaptability and Continuous Learning


In a rapidly changing world, the ability to adapt is crucial. Stay abreast of new technologies and trends, and maintain a mindset of continuous learning. Engage in online courses and seminars to enhance your skills.


2.         Effective Communication Skills


The ability to communicate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds is particularly important in the DX and VUCA era. Develop clear and concise communication, active listening, and the ability to accept feedback.


3.         Emotional Intelligence


Understanding and managing your own emotions, as well as those of others, is essential for leadership and teamwork. Enhance your empathy, build relationships, and develop skills in stress management and conflict resolution.


4.         Innovative and Critical Thinking


Having a creative and critical perspective is crucial for problem-solving. Explore new ideas and solutions beyond conventional methods, and contribute to the organization through trial and error.


5.         Collaboration and Networking


Success often hinges on collaboration within teams and coordination with external parties. Respect different perspectives, embrace a collaborative mindset, and actively expand your network through networking.




6.         性和持



7.         有效的沟通技巧


8.         情商




9.         新和批判性思




10.      作和网





11.      Adaptability and Continuous Learning(適応力と継続的学習)



12.      Effective Communication Skills(効果的なコミュニケーション能力)




13.      Emotional Intelligence(感情知能)




14.      Innovative and Critical Thinking(革新と批判的思考)




15.      Collaboration and Networking(協働とネットワーキング)







  1. 放松技巧践深呼吸、渐进性肌肉放松法、瑜伽和冥想等放松技巧,以减轻压力。
  2. 锻炼:体育活有助于力并提振情。将散步、跑步、瑜伽和伸展等活动纳入日常。
  3. 时间管理:通制定划并适当休息来高效管理任,从而减轻压力。
  4. 社交活:与朋友、家人互或加入支持体有助于减轻压力并保持心理健康。
  5. 好和兴趣:投入时间好或兴趣中有助于减轻压力并保持心平衡。
  6. 注于重要事,避免将精力浪事上,从而减轻压力。
  7. 心理支持:如果得持存在,虑寻专业帮助以得适当支持。




  1. リラクゼーション法: ディープブリージング、プログレッシブマッスルリラクゼーション(筋肉の緊張を解く方法)、ヨガ、瞑想などのリラクゼーション法を実践してストレスを軽減します。
  2. 運動: 運動はストレスを軽減し、気分をリフレッシュさせるのに効果的です。ウォーキング、ランニング、ヨガ、ストレッチなど、自分に合った運動を取り入れましょう。
  3. 時間管理: スケジュールを立ててタスクを効率的に管理し、適切な休憩を取ることでストレスを軽減します。
  4. 社交活動: 友人や家族との交流や、サポートグループへの参加は、ストレスを軽減し、心の健康を保つのに役立ちます。
  5. 趣味や興味のあること: 趣味や興味に時間を費やすことは、ストレスを減らし、心のバランスを取るのに役立ちます。
  6. プライオリティの設定: 重要なことにフォーカスし、些細なことにエネルギーを費やさないようにすることで、ストレスを軽減できます。
  7. 心理的なサポート: ストレスが慢性化している場合は、専門家に相談し、適切なサポートを受けることを検討してください。



Five Key Points to Become a Person Valued in the DX and VUCA Era

Stress Management Techniques


  1. Relaxation Techniques: Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, yoga, and meditation to reduce stress.
  2. Exercise: Physical activity can help alleviate stress and refresh your mood. Incorporate activities like walking, running, yoga, and stretching into your routine.
  3. Time Management: Efficiently manage your tasks by scheduling and taking appropriate breaks to reduce stress.
  4. Social Activities: Interacting with friends, family, or joining a support group can help reduce stress and maintain mental health.
  5. Hobbies and Interests: Spending time on hobbies or interests can reduce stress and help maintain a balanced mind.
  6. Setting Priorities: Focus on what's important and avoid wasting energy on trivial matters to reduce stress.
  7. Psychological Support: If stress becomes chronic, consider seeking professional help for appropriate support.


By combining these techniques, you can manage stress and lead a healthy, balanced life in the DX and VUCA era.



Thank you for your support and I hope you‘ll good it! 

今日も一日をご機嫌で!共に顔晴りましょう。 ありがとうございました。

May you have many wonderful things in your life.




Keiko Mizuno,水野敬子,2024, Global Beauty Times Premium

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